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AllianzGI Stewardship Statement Background Active stewardship is a key element of our commitment at Allianz Global Investors to shape pathways towards a sustainable future. As an active investment manager, we believe that constructive engagement dialogue with investee companies is essential. Moreover, the exercising of shareholder voting rights is a fiduciary responsibility to our clients and a core part of our role in driving positive change for some of the most important issues affecting the long-term development of investee companies. This statement sets out our engagement policy for the long term across a range of different and stewardship approach, including the steps investment strategies, and pay close attention we take to meet regulatory obligations and the to growth prospects, return on capital, good principles of certain Stewardship Codes and governance, market positioning and quality of codes of best practices that apply in the franchises. Furthermore, we believe that material jurisdictions in which we operate in Europe, environmental and social considerations are North America and Asia. crucial to the success of a company looking for long-term outperformance. Allianz Global Investors refers to the global investment management business, which Consistent with our investment philosophy and operates under the marketing name Allianz approach, we routinely engage in dialogue with Global Investors (AllianzGI) through affiliated investee companies and seek to proactively entities worldwide. AllianzGI is an active present a viewpoint, seek change where investment manager serving institutional and necessary, and monitor the results of our retail clients around the world. The business is engagement. Our investment views are influenced diversified across equity, fixed-income, multi- by the outcomes of these engagements and are asset and alternative strategies and diversified linked to the proxy voting process, forming a by region. consistent stewardship approach. AllianzGI has a strong investment culture based on bottom-up, fundamental research. We invest 3

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