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01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosur e 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our univ ersal principles 05.7 Materiality analysis 05.7.2 Priorities for 2021 ongoing While all material ESG topics are important to address, several topics have risen or emerged as potentially new priorities for the next one to two years until the next assessment takes place. The full list of material topics assessed in 2021, which are considered still relevant and material for 2022, include: 2021 rank 2019–20 rank ESG topic 1 1 Climate change 2 11 Responsible business ethics 3 12 Cyber risks 4 15 Health and healthcare access 5 3 Environmental impacts 6 NR Diversity and inclusion 7 5 Human rights 8 9 Data privacy 9 4 Talent attraction and retention 10 2 ESG integration into products 2021 rank 2019–20 rank ESG topic 11 NR Responsible tax 12 13 Customer and product safety 13 6 Social and financial inclusion 14 7 Customer innovation 15 17 Local community impact 16 10 Social and political unrest 17 NR Data and AI ethics 18 8 Natural disasters 19 16 Demographic change 20 14 Animal welfare standards New or emerging priorities for 2021 From 2019–2020 New for 2021 Removed in 2021 (peer group feedback) • - - ------- - - --------- · - -- - - ---------­ · - - - ---------­ · - - - ---------­ - - - - --------- • • - - - - --------- - - - - --------- - - - - --------- - - --------- • - - - 159 Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022

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