01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 02.5 Customers Table CS-1 Customer Loyalty % As of December 31 2022 Digital Net Promoter Score (dNPS) loyalty leadership in their market 1 Target 50% by year-end 2024 % 58.0 Our ambition is to create meaningful solutions and experiences that attract and retain customers. We do this by earning customers’ trust through the quality of our products, the level of our services and the expertise of our employees. Measuring customer loyalty We use the globally recognized Net Promoter Score® (NPS) to measure customer loyalty through customers’ willingness to recommend Allianz. In 2022, we switched to digital NPS tracking. Digital NPS allows us to measure continuously, eliminating seasonality and deepening our understanding of customers’ sentiment. The new approach also sets higher standards for our operating entities which are measured against a broader set of competitors. With this in mind, we defined a new baseline and, in 2022, we exceeded our expectations by achieving 58 percent Loyalty Leaders. The main drivers were actions to address customers’ pain points and targeted communication campaigns. 50 % target for Allianz Group business segments to be in a Loyalty Leader position by 2024 We aim to protect and enhance our stakeholders’ most valuable assets in line with SDG 8, Decent work and economic growth. We contribute to sub-target 8.10 on strengthening the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access to banking, insurance and financial services for all. With Customer Centricity, we strive to go above and beyond for our customers and to outperform the competition. Our global business model, the Allianz Customer Model (ACM), also contributes to SDG 12, Responsible consumption and production, by reducing waste generation and adopting sustainable practices with digital customer communication. 02.5.1 Allianz’s customer experience strategy Customer satisfaction and loyalty lead to profitable growth and are key elements of our strategy. Our ambition is to create meaningful solutions and experiences that draw customers in. We designed our customer experience framework to give customers a direct voice and enable us to use their feedback in shaping local and global experiences. Listening to customers The closer we are to our customers, the more we can be there for them in moments that matter. Listening to customers is the starting point of our journey together. Our Voice of the Customer (VoC) program applies a holistic and standardized methodology to monitor and improve customer journeys by collecting real-time qualitative and quantitative feedback. After each touchpoint a customer has with Allianz, they are invited to state their satisfaction on a five-star scale at predefined touchpoints along five customer journeys. If a customer rates their experience with three stars or less, we follow up with them to resolve the issue and gather more insights. The five customer journeys map the main interactions a customer has with Allianz; these include: Sales and Onboarding; Claims; Issue Resolution and Contract Management; Renewal, Cancellation and Termination, and Outbound Communication. At the end of 2022, 40 operating entities and global lines had implemented the VoC program. This means we have rolled out the VoC program in at least one of the five mandatory journeys at our major operating entities. 1 In 2022 we switched to a Digital NPS measurement, conducted October 2021 – September 2022, which will from now onwards be the official measurement timeframe. Therefore, comparisons to previous years do not apply due to changes in methodology. Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 75

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