01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 01.4 Our sustainability approach Our purpose – ‘We secure your future’ – informs all our decisions and shapes our approach to sustainability. The very nature of what we do contributes to creating secure and sustainable economies and societies – pooling, investing and managing risks to help protect and grow lives, assets, and businesses. We create positive social and environmental impact through the way we run our organization and by using our insurance, investment, and asset management expertise. With our competence, expertise and global footprint, we have the ambition to be a catalyst for sustainable growth in the financial services industry and beyond. And we know that we cannot do it alone. U.N. SDGs guide towards sustainability The work we do in helping to build a sustainable society is guided by the United Nations (U.N.) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While all the SDGs are important, we prioritize: SDG 8, Decent work and Economic growth; SDG 13, Climate Action; SDG 17, Partnerships. These align with our insurance and financial e xpertise and strategic business priorities. We believe this strategic focus best leverages our strength and scale for maximum impact, for both our business and society. SDG 8 is in line with our aspiration to b e a trusted partner for protecting and growing our stakeholders’ most valuable assets, SDG 13 is in line with our commitments to net-zero by 2050 and SDG 17 is in line with our belief that progress in reaching sustainability goals requires collaborative global action, beyond company boundaries. Embedding sustainability everywhere Success in reaching any goal requires effective measurement. As we learn and advance on our journey, we are fully integrating sustainability into our decision-making. Traditional financial metrics and sustainability inf ormation will become the basis of our combined performance measurement. This measurement appr oach will accelerate behavioral and cultural change in our organization. If all decisions are made and measured with sustainability fr ont and center, we will enhance how we manage risks and capture opportunities. It also drives us to create new sustainable products and services, collaborate with NGOs and governments, clients, and investee companies to direct capital flows towards sustainable outcomes, and ultimately deliver scalable, real-world benefits. Our journey towards fully integrating sustainability into all asp ects of the Allianz organization is ongoing and dynamic. We don’t have all the answers and there is still much to learn as the field continues to rapidly evolve. In this context, a qualified workforce is a pr erequisite for being a trusted sustainability leader in our industry and beyond. This led us to introduce a global sustainability training curriculum, the Allianz Sustainability Training, – a promising start to provide all employees with the understanding and tools needed to become Allianz’s sustainability ambassadors around the globe. 10 Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 • '•f ,', Jl'I I l :l ' Gt"\ ALS ' ~ ~ e .... .. , DEVELOPMENT 11 Ill, 1.1111 I ell ,'I

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