01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 02.6 Own operations 02.6.5 Travel fleet and commuting Our aim is to continue to reduce business travel emissions now that COVID-19 measures have been lifted and business trips are permitted again. We are using what we learnt to reduce business travel and support pro gress towards our target to reduce GHG emissions from business travel by 40 percent by 2025. For example, all meetings are now digital by default. In 2022, we achieved a 47 percent reduction in GHG emissions from business travel per emplo yee against a target reduction of 40 percent per employee by year-end 2025 (2021: 71 % 1 reduction) against a 2019 baseline. See table ENV-6. Our travel tools offer a sort and transparency function based on CO 2 emissions for flight search. EV100 is a major new initiative to drive the electrification of the entire company fleet by 2030. As a memb er of The Climate Group’s EV100, Allianz will comply with electrification of fleet and setting up a wider charging station infrastructure. We are committed to accelerating the transition to electric vehicles (EVs). In 2022, we submitted our b aseline of 14,000 v ehicles to EV100 which will start publishing our progress towards the commitment for next year. In 2021, we rolled out a new mobility policy in Germany limiting ordering to hybrid and electric cars onl y and pr oviding both charging cards for public parking slots and charging infrastructure for employees at home. We have also committed to develop Green Commuting plans to limit emissions that arise from our employees commuting to and from the w orkplace. Plans include a range of actions for operating entities to implement – from bike leasing to discounted public transport and EV charging stations. 66 % of employees (by headcount) across our operating entities were covered by a Green Commuting Plan in 2022 (2021: 65 %) 02.6.6 Embedding sustainability in IT Our target is to have all our data centers running on renewable electricity by 2023 as part of our RE100 commitment. See table ENV-5. Our strategic data centers have used 100 percent certified renew able electricity since 2021. We also included emissions from vendors’ public cloud services into our corporate carbon footprint in 2022 for the first time (for further details on our methodology, please refer to the 2022 explanatory notes). We are collaborating with vendors to support the decarbonization of their servic es. The Allianz Group IT strategy and governance documents (e.g. functional rules) hav e also been updated to further embed sustainability. For example, for IT Hardware Assets, social and environmental impact until disposal will be considered when choosing between different solutions and/ or providers. 02.6.7 Reducing paper use 43 % reduction in paper use by year-end 2022 against a target reduction of 20 percent per policy by year-end 2025 (2021: 33 % reduction) against a 2019 baseline See table ENV-9. Paper use at Allianz is mainly linked to external communications (e.g. marketing and customer communic ations) with a smaller amount used for internal office printing. Our efforts to reduce paper consumption are underpinned by the shift to digital communication. Lo oking ahead, we will seek to maximize the share of paper we use that c omes from certified sustainable sources, which accounted for 74 percent of our paper in 2022 (2021: 76 %). 1 GHG emissions from business travel (absolute and relative) have been restated for 2019 (Old absolute: 124,354 t CO 2 e ) and 2020 (Old absolute: 52,959 t CO 2 e ), please see our explanatory notes. Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 84

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