01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 04.3 Compliance Table COM-1 Compliance Data – Anti-Corruption 1 As of December 31 2022 2021 2020 Number of incidents of corruption confirmed 2 0 0 n/a Table COM-2 Anti-corruption Training Completion Ratio 3 As of December 31 2022 2021 2020 Employee Germany % 92.1 n/a n/a Eastern Europe % 96.4 n/a n/a Rest of Western Europe % 77.3 n/a n/a Middle East and Africa % 85.2 n/a n/a North America % 98.9 n/a n/a South America % 91.5 n/a n/a Asia Pacific % 82.3 n/a n/a Board Member Germany % 88.2 n/a n/a Eastern Europe % 96.2 n/a n/a Rest of Western Europe % 83.1 n/a n/a Middle East and Africa % 90.0 n/a n/a North America % 100.0 n/a n/a South America % 95.6 n/a n/a Asia Pacific % 99.5 n/a n/a 84 % Completion ratio of Anti-Corruption Training for employees The completion ratio of Anti-Corruption Training in line with World Economic Forum (WEF) requirements is calculated as the number of employees/ board members of Allianz Group companies that completed the training versus the number of enrolled employees/ board members in the fiscal year 2022. The KPI is calculated per region as defined by Allianz. 92 % Completion ratio of Anti-Corruption Training for board members 0 Number of Anti-Corruption cases The KPI in line with WEF requirements includes the number of material violations of corruption laws or corresponding official proceedings reported to Group which would have been required to be disclosed to Allianz Group’s Audit Committee. Our success is built on the trust that our customers, investors, employees and the public have in our performance and integrity. This depends on the personal ethical conduct and capability of all Allianz management and employees and their aim to create value for all stakeholders. Compliance mission The Allianz Compliance function fosters the ambition of a corporate culture of individual and collective responsibility for ethical conduct and adherence to the rules by: • enabling employees to understand and live by the rules and thereby oversee that adequate and effective processes are in place to ensure adherence; • supporting the business to identify, assess and mitigate compliance risks; • maintaining a confidential channel to report concerns, act on them and protect those who speak up in good faith; and • interacting transparently and truthfully with regulators. 1 Data disclosed since 2021. 2 The KPI in line with WEF requirements includes the number of material violations of corruption laws or corresponding official proceedings reported to Group which would have been required to be disclosed to Allianz Group’s Audit Committee. 3 The reported ratios are calculated from data delivered from Allianz Operating entities. This is the first time that Allianz reports this ratios. The data includes also trainings roll-out close to the year end 2022 even though attendance may not occur until the following year. Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 125

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