01.2 Highlights 2022 01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles IIRC capital categories Outputs 2022 Outcomes Social and r elationship 57 mn Emerging Consumers reached 58% NPS (Customer loyalty) € 42.82 mn Corporate Giving We insured 57.2 mn Emerging Consumers in 12 countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America in 2022. Organic portfolio growth across markets largely offset the maturity of government health schemes in India which had contributed 15.5 mn insured in 2021. Business segments with a net promoter score of L oyalty Leaders. In 2022 our Corporate Giving totaled € 42.8 mn. Our humanitarian eff orts for Ukraine resulted an increase of our total corporate giving in 2022 (€ 28.2 mn in 2021). Social Impact Fund is our program supporting str ategic opportunities to deliver social impact. Human 76% Employee Engagement Index 79% IMIX (Inclusive Meritocracy Index) 38.8% Female managers In 2022, two of the three main indices in the Allianz Engagement Survey (the Inclusive Meritocracy Index and the Work Well Index) reached record highs in Allianz Group history and the third index (the Employee Engagement Index) remained stable at the second highest level. Our high standards in leadership, performance and c orporate culture are reflected in the high rating in the IMIX (+1%p compared to 2021). The share of women has continuously increased to 38.8 p ercent in 2022 among managers (by +0.6%p compared to 2020) and to 32.4 percent among executives (i.e., top management, by +2.0%p compared to 2020). Natural 89% renewable electricity of own operations 1.0 t CO 2 e per employee carbon footprint of own operations 16.2 mn t CO 2 e carbon footprint of proprietary investments (listed equities and corporate bonds) 46.5 mn t CO 2 e Total GHG emissions 1 +12%-p 89% share of renewable electricity, up from 77% in 2021. Increase vs. 2021 was mainly achieved through a combination of strategic discussions with suppliers on ‘green tariffs’, expanding the use of on-site renewable technologies and the use of ‘unbundled’ renewable Energy Attribute Certificates. -57% GHG emissions per employee in 2022 vs 2019. +8% C arbon footprint per employee from operations increased from 0.9 tons CO 2 e in 2021 to 1.0 tons CO 2 e in 2022. 2022 saw an increase in business tr avel vs 2021, explaining the increase in carbon footprint per employee. 2021 was particularly impacted by COVID-19-related drops in business travel. Carbon footprint of proprietary investments (listed equities and c orporate bonds): -13% versus 2021 leading to an o ver achievement of our end of 2024 -25% absolute financed emissions decarbonization tar get (total -34.9% versus 2019). This was driven by allo cation changes, real world emission reductions as well as changes in enterprise values. Total GHG emissions increased from 19.3 mn t CO 2 e GHG emissions in 2021 to 46.5 mn t CO 2 e in 2022. This w as mainly driven by the scope increase in our proprietary investment portfolio (+ 30.1 mn t CO 2 e). 08 Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 (fr\ © 1 Total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions include emissions from proprietary investments and own operations.