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01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change r elated disclosure 04 Strengthening our f oundation 05 Our universal principles 05.4 Our expanded sustainability governance 05.4.1 Key bodies involved in sustainability governance We are committed to clear and transparent governance principles. This extends to our governance of sustainability matters as we work to embed and deliver sustainable objectives across our global business and organization. See section 01.8.2 Group Sustainability Board Ultimate responsibility for all matters r elating to sustainability resides with the Board of Management of Allianz SE as the Group’s parent company. To support the Board of Management in its decision-making, A llianz SE established a dedicated Group Sustainability Board (known until January 2022 as the Group ESG Board). It is composed of members of the Board of Management of Allianz SE and Group Center heads and meets quarterly. Members of the Group Sustainability Board in 2022: Dr. Günther Thallinger (Chairperson) Board Member of the Board of Management of A llianz SE, responsible for Investment Management, Sustainability Dr. Barbara Karuth-Zelle Member of the Board of Management of A llianz SE, responsible for Operations, IT and Organization (COO) Dr. Klaus-Peter Röhler Member of the Board of Management of A llianz SE, responsible for Insurance German Speaking Countries and Central & Eastern Europe Christopher Townsend Member of the Board of Management of A llianz SE, responsible for Global Insurance Lines & Anglo Markets, Reinsurance, Iberia & Latin America, Middle East, Africa Dr. Andreas Wimmer Member of the Board of Management of A llianz SE, responsible for Asset Management, US Life Insurance Lauren Day Head of Group C ommunications and Reputation (GCORE) Hervé Gloaguen Group Chief Compliance Officer Line Hestvik Group Chief Sustainability Officer Aylin Somersan-C oqui Group Chief Risk Officer Allianz SE Supervisory Board Sustainability Committee The Supervisory Board of Allianz SE is responsible for defining and assessing targets for the Board of Management. The Sustainability Committee of the Supervisory Board is responsible to advise on sustainability related target setting and assessment. The Sustainability Committee has five memb ers: three members are elected upon the proposal of the shareholder representatives and two upon the proposal of the employee representatives. The Chairperson of the Committee is also elected by the Supervisory Board. Christine Bosse (Chairperson), Sophie Boissar d, Gabriele Burkhardt-Berg (employee representative), Michael Diekmann, Frank Kirsch (employee representative) Group Center Global Sustainability Since 01 January 2021, responsibility for Allianz’s sustainability agenda is led by the Global Sustainability function (Group Center). The function is headed by the Chief Sustainability Offic er (CSO) who reports to the Chairperson of the Group Sustainability Board. Several Group Commit tees play an important role in Allianz’s decision-making processes to embed Sustainability: The Group Finance and Risk Committee o versees risk management and monitoring, including sustainability risk. The Group Underwriting Committee monitors the underwriting business, its risk management and de velopment of underwriting internal rules and strategies. This includes the integration of sustainability into underwriting processes. The Group Investment Committee fo cuses on fundamental investment-related topics, including sustainability-related matters. Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 148

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