01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Str engthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 02.7 Corporate citizenship The MoveNow program was launched in 2022, with MoveNow Physical Camps in 12 OEs, MoveNow Clubs fostering participation by getting young people to move via TikTok, MoveNow Hakathon brainstorming new initiatives for the next generation and MoveNow training series as a 4 week campaign with digital work out series. MoveNow will be further ramped up leading up to the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024. OE initiatives The corporate citizenship activities of operating entities are being aligned with the global strategy of the Group. In 2022, Allianz launched a Social Impact Fund to replac e the previous Social Innovation Fund. Its purpose is to support OEs with their local initiatives. The fund supports strategic opportunities that deliver social imp act beyond charitable donations, with Allianz OEs cooperating in intersectoral partnerships. In 2022, 15 new corporate citizenship projects wer e kicked off with clear links to SDG 8, focusing on the next generations and people with disabilities. These projects are in addition to ongoing activities across operating entities. The Global Sustainability team is responsible f or developing our strategic approach and providing guidance on local delivery. Local Corporate Citizenship Leads are responsible for embedding the global approach within operating entities. Guidance for corporate citizenship activities is designed to build a consistent understanding of social imp act, strategically channel resources towards the SDG 8, monitor outcomes and encourage collaboration and best practice sharing. Allianz has a long history and a strong position on spor t. Leveraging our experience and partnerships in sports, we create programs that promote well- being, resilience and job-readiness for children/youth and people with disabilities. We are working closely with our partners at the International Olympic Committee, Bayern München and the International Paralympic Committee. Examples which are being leveraged towar ds the next generations and people with disabilities are the Allianz World Run, Allianz Sports, IPC mentoring, IOC and Bayern München the MoveNow program. The 15 new corporate citizenship activities are: Employability projects youth and people with disabilities Project Allianz Australia SSI Refugee Youth Employment Pathway Allianz Bulgaria ‘Good Doers’ Support for entrepreneurs in vulnerable conditions Allianz Colombia National Social Innovation Fund Allianz France 1 young person, 1 mentor Allianz Germany Seidabei.com, Nationwide Volunteering Platform Allianz Technology India Skill Tr aining Programme for Underprivileged Youth Allianz Kenya Kibera Youths Road Safety and First Aid Training Project Allianz Malaysia Bangunan BJCK: Every child’s space Allianz Nigeria Project Confidence for PwD Allianz Philippines Allianz PNB Life Ride Safe 2.0 Allianz Italy Managing Disability Programme Education projects with children Project Name Allianz Cameroon Vocational training center for youth Allianz Ireland Back to School Safety Fund Allianz Taiwan RE-THINK environmental education in schools Jubilee Allianz (Kenya) Tanzania Emp owering children in Northwestern Tanzania through life skills training Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 86

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