01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 03.5 TCFD requirements mapping TCFD recommendation Respective SR22 section 1a) Governance board oversight 05.4 1b) Governance management oversight 05.4 2a) Strategy climate risks and opportunities identified over short/mid/long time horizon 03.1.3 and 03.4 2b) Strategy impact of climate risks and opportunities on business, strategy and financial planning 03.2 2c) Strategy Resilience of strategy under climate scenarios 03.4 3a) Risk management Processes for identifying and assessing climate risks 05.4 3b) Risk management Processes for managing climate risks 05.4 3c) Risk management How are these processes integrated in overall risk management 05.4 4a) Metrics & Targets Metrics used to assess climate risks & opportunities 03.4 4b) Metrics & Targets Carbon footprint scope 1+2+3 03.1.2 4c) Metrics & Targets Targets used to manage climate R&O‘s and performance against targets 03.3 Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 118

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