01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 01.6 Our social approach Our ambition Our roots in insurance make us naturally focused on the social aspect of sustainability. Through the collective pooling and diversification of risk mitigates the impact that events can have on individuals, families, businesses and organizations. By mitigating risk and providing financial security, insurance becomes a prerequisite for sustainable social or economic activities like owning or renting a home, pursuing leisure activities or running a business. Through our core business of providing risk protection and investing funds for the long-term, we help lives, businesses and society to evolve by being more resilient. Our purpose and business experience led us to prioritize SDG 8, Decent Work and Economic growth, in our social approach with a particular focus on education and employability. Our work to support societies (SDG 8) and on climate (SDG 13) is linked and mutually enhances our positive impact. € 14.0 bn Paid in wages by Allianz in 2022 (2021: € 13.3 bn) € 19.5 bn Total tax contribution in 2022 (2021: € 17.9 bn) 45.2 Average training hours per employee contributed by Allianz in 2022 (2021: 34.7) Our social strategy Through our social strategy, we deliver to customers, employees and society: 1. Customers: Value delivered in insurance, investment and asset management. 2. Employees: Workplace and culture. 3. Corporate citizenship: Supporting social resilience for the people who live and work in the communities in which we operate. We focus especially on the support of next generations and people with disabilities. 1. Customers Our success is measured by the trust our customers, partners and society has in us to competently deliver our expertise. The essential nature of our expertise helps protect society, by providing recovery from unexpected shocks, peace of mind, and financial security that fuels growth. Across our value chain, we enable social resilience and positive social impact through our sustainable products and solutions in insurance and asset management, investments in sustainable projects and transformative public- private partnerships. By sharing our core business knowledge in insurance, investments and asset management, we work with others to create stronger social solutions to challenges. For example, we support our insurance customers to adapt to climate risks and minimize damage. And we encourage the net-zero transition by insuring low- carbon developments. This is particularly important as we see more frequent and damaging natural catastrophes due to climate change. We are also piloting new approaches that combine insurance offerings with measures that strengthen resilience and positive behavior change. We reach 122 million customers 1 globally. Our ambition is to earn and maintain their trust and loyalty by delivering quality products, services and expertise. Customer experience is extremely important and we measure customer loyalty using the globally recognized Net Promoter Score (NPS). Our digital NPS (dNPS) score of 58 % Loyalty Leader segments indicates that our customers trust us and are willing to recommend Allianz to others. To find out more on our approach to customer satisfaction, please see section 02.5. For more information about our approach to investors, please see our Analyst Presentation 2022 as well as our Group Annual Report 2022. 1 Including non-consolidated entities with Allianz customers and excluding emerging consumers. 14 Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 >