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01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 02.1 Sustainability in insurance Table ESG-6 Emerging Consumers As of December 31 2022 2021 2020 Gross Written Premiums (GWP) € mn 557.8 510.2 452.2 thereof from consolidated entities € mn 68.1 45.2 56.1 thereof from non-consolidated entities € mn 489.7 465.0 396.1 No. of in-force insured people # 57,170,290 62,221,110 46,138,372 thereof from consolidated entities # 13,172,642 9,721,944 10,077,970 thereof from non-consolidated entities # 43,997,648 52,499,166 36,060,402 GWP per insured € 9.8 8.2 9.8 Emerging Consumers Solutions 1 # 31 30 26 Table ESG-17 Coal exemption requests 2 , 3 As of December 31 2022 2021 2020 Total Referrals 50 72 n/a Exemptions granted 22 20 n/a Exemptions not granted 28 52 n/a Table FIN-1 Economic Value generated, distributed and retained € mn As of December 31 Unit 2022 2021 Economic Value Generated € mn 122,715.1 100.0 122,238.9 100.0 Revenue from sale of goods € mn 83,911.5 68.4 77,656.2 63.5 Revenue from rendering of services € mn 13,981.2 11.4 13,998.1 11.5 Revenue from financial investments € mn 24,705.8 20.1 30,552.1 25.0 Other operating income € mn 116.7 0.1 32.5 0.0 Economic Value Distributed € mn 111,411.2 90.8 104,239.5 85.3 Operating expenses € mn 88,265.1 71.9 81,326.6 66.5 thereof: Claims and insurance benefits € mn 60,764.0 49.5 54,873.0 44.9 Claims P&C € mn 38,080.6 31.0 33,783.8 27.6 Claims L&H € mn 22,683.4 18.5 21,089.5 17.3 Wages and other payments to employees € mn 13,965.0 11.4 13,339.8 10.9 Payments to provider of capital € mn 6,461.9 5.3 5,475.3 4.5 Payment to shareholders € mn 5,683.3 4.6 4,705.6 3.8 Payments to creditors € mn 778.6 0.6 769.7 0.6 Payments to government € mn 2,584.9 2.1 3,985.9 3.3 thereof: income tax expense € mn 2,419.3 2.0 3,659.6 3.0 Community investments € mn 134.2 0.1 112.9 0.1 Economic Value not yet distributed € mn 11,822.8 9.6 17,295.4 14.1 Change in reserves € mn 3,242.0 2.6 13,716.2 11.2 Impairments € mn 6,520.9 5.3 1,331.0 1.1 Change in provisions € mn 2,059.8 1.7 2,248.2 1.8 Economic Value Retained € mn -518.9 -0.4 704.0 0.6 1 Number of solutions refers to solutions from consolidated entities only. 2 The coal exemption process was introduced in May 2021. 3 Data disclosed since 2022. Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 29

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