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Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 Contents About this report 01 Introduction and strategy 01.1 Message from the CEO 01.2 Highlights 2022 01.3 Company description and strategy 01.4 Our sustainability approach 01.5 Our climate approach 01.6 Our social approach 01.7 Our sustainability integration approach 01.8 Our sustainability governance 02 Measuring and managing sustainability Sustainability in our business activities 02.1 Sustainability in insurance 02.1.1 Integrating sustainability in insurance 02.1.2 Natural disasters 02.1.3 Climate change and decarbonization 02.1.4 Sustainable solutions 02.1.5 Emerging consumers 02.2 Sustainability in proprietary investments 02.2.1 Integrating sustainability in  proprietary investments 02.2.2 Climate change and decarbonization targets for proprietary investments 02.3 Sustainability in asset management Sustainability in our organization 02.4 Human resources 02.5 Customers 02.6 Own operations 02.7 Corporate citizenship 03 Climate change related disclosure 03.1 The global challenge and the role of Allianz 03.1.1 The net-zero challenge 03.1.2 Our climate footprint 03.1.3 Climate-related risks and opportunities 03.2 Strategies 03.3 Targets 03.4 Strategy resilience, stress tests and climate scenario analysis 03.4.1 Qualitative climate change risk assessment 03.4.2 Integrated climate change stress test 03.4.3 Bottom-up quantitative carbon stress test for investments 03.4.4 Bottom-up quantitative physical risk analysis for investments 03.5 TCFD requirements mapping 04 Strengthening our foundation 04.1 Cybersecurity 04.1.1 Information security 04.1.2 Data privacy 04.1.3 Data ethics 04.1.4 Cyber risk 04.2 Regulatory and public affairs 04.3 Compliance 04.4 Tax transparency 05 Our universal principles 05.1 Target and objective tables 05.2 How we report: transparent reporting, ratings and performance 05.3 Stakeholder engagement 05.4 Our expanded sustainability governance 05.5 Our commitment to human rights 05.6 Our impact on the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals 05.7 Materiality analysis 05.8 Independent Practitioner’s Report on a Limited Assurance Engagement on Sustainability Information Due to rounding, numbers presented may not add up precisely to the totals presented and percentages may not precisely reflect the absolute figures. 03

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