01 Our sustainability approach 02 Sustainable investing 03 Active stewardship 04 Corporate sustainability 05 Appendix 04.1 Strengthening our corporate sustainability strategy Principle 1 Being a sustainable business We are aware that our activities can have Our corporate sustainability approach means creating long-term both intended as well as unintended value without compromising social and environmental impacts. It is our Corporate Sustainability (CS) our impact on people, corporate responsibility to be accountable Creates long-term business value without compromising people, planet, or profit. to our stakeholders. We ensure that our planet, or profit. Our holistic decisions and activities are guided by the 1 approach considers different license to operate that they grant to us. Core business Corporate (Social ) Responsibility (C(S)R) values that AllianzGI can activities, Means being socially accountable to all relevant Our goal is to shape sustainable pathways ie, products and stakeholders of the organisation. influence – including natural, by applying innovation and excellence services human, social, manufactured across all our business activities. and financial capital. Our management and colleagues are Business Corporate Citizenship (CC) committed to living up to high ethical conduct Consists of community engagement. We aim to reduce our negative impacts standards. We take immediate and Enabling activities, and increase our positive impact across appropriate action when we fall short of eg, operations, each of these capitals and their sum these and address areas for improvement human resources, by creating sustainable products and to maintain stakeholders’ trust. communications, Societal Social partnerships services, evolving our business operations, supply chain impact increasing transparency through We engage with our local communities sustainability reporting, and developing and society through social partnerships, Employee volunteering relationships with stakeholders. employee volunteering and charitable Read more about what sustainability donations. We collaborate with Reporting, rating Stakeholders’ means to us in section 01.1. non-governmental and non-profit and regulations trust Charitable giving/donations organisations to increase our reach and solve complex societal challenges. As a corporate citizen this engagement is an integral part of our responsibility and contributes to the social value we seek to enhance. 1 Social = related to society; the CSR concept is not limited to charitable work; responsibility refers to social, environment and governance aspects. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2022 100

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