01 Our sustainability approach 02 Sustainable investing 03 Active stewardship 04 Corporate sustainability 05 Appendix 04.1 Strengthening our corporate sustainability strategy Principle 1 In this chapter, we describe how we are Building a robust corporate sustainability Our corporate sustainability framework becoming more sustainable as a company function requires clear leadership and by evolving our business processes that close collaboration with corporate directly or indirectly enable our product functions and business units. Create offering to customers. We focus on focused impact four main areas: how we empower our In 2022, we established the role of the Foster positive societal impact in people, how we run our business, how we Corporate Sustainability Officer (CSO) defined UN Sustainable Development Goals manage the environmental effects of to ensure coherence between our our operations and how we contribute to corporate sustainability approach and Build strong foundations societal development. our sustainable investment strategy. Integrate sustainability practices into organisation The CSO will drive a more holistic As the first step in our new corporate approach to corporate sustainability, sustainability strategy, we will strengthen shaping its strategy and advising the internal foundations across environmental, Executive Committee and business units. social and governance dimensions. We are The business units are responsible for building on a good standard of existing implementing sustainability-related environmental management across business practices with the help of the Environmental Social Governance our operations. We aim to develop our CSO and local sustainability leads. • Environmental • Attractive employer: • Business conduct approach in the social dimension and Please see section 01.2 for more management in eg, diversity, equity and operational will work to increase the social impact information on our sustainability own operation: and inclusion, learning risk management of our corporate contributions to the UN governance and how we are eg, carbon footprint, and development • Sustainable Sustainable Development Goals that most expanding our more holistic waste reduction • Good corporate supply chain closely align with our corporate purpose approach to sustainability. citizen in society (as outlined in section 04.5). To strengthen governance, we will reconfirm the trust of our stakeholders with continuously CS function-related areas enhanced internal control processes and • Performance management integrate more sustainability criteria into • Communications and marketing our supply chain management. • Stakeholder and change management Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2022 101

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