01 Our sustainability approach 02 Sustainable investing 03 Active stewardship 04 Corporate sustainability 05 Appendix 01.3 Guiding clients on sustainable investment solutions Principle 6 As an active asset manager, we create solutions and products We also share our investment expertise and voting. The climate strategies that address clients’ evolving investment objectives. We manage via client meetings and host regular of companies are a particular focus EUR 506 billion6 across all asset classes in public and private client events on sustainable investing. of these meetings. We also provided markets for our global client base and aim to give investors access These provide a platform for renowned clients with insights on our voting policy keynote speakers and AllianzGI’s own review, voting processes and decisions. to a broad range of sustainable investment strategies. sustainable investment experts to discuss In these conversations we collected the opportunities and challenges of feedback on where our processes could Since the inception of our first sustainable our ESG credentials, internal research sustainable investing, emerging regulatory be improved and transparency enhanced. investment strategy in 1999, the number capabilities, the robustness of our frameworks across jurisdictions, and the Feedback was used to inform our proxy of sustainable products we offer reached methodologies and the extent to measurability of sustainable and impact voting policy review. 177 at the end of 2022, up from 150 which ESG criteria are considered and investment strategies. In 2022, we hosted at the end of 2021. In 2022, we converted incorporated in investment processes. the Global Sustainability Days – a two-day 01.3.2 Maintaining our position as a 31 mutual funds to a sustainable online event during which experts and client service leader investing approach and launched five 01.3.1 Engaging with clients guest speakers from across the industry Our focus on providing guidance on new sustainable funds – a path we aim Engaging with clients is an opportunity debated the most pressing sustainability sustainable investment solutions is part of to continue in the future.7 to help them understand their sustainable issues. Together with our clients, a wider commitment to clients as we look investing preferences and objectives. we explored topics ranging from the beyond pure economic gain to develop Interest in sustainable investment This has been especially important in the future of sustainable finance regulation strong and enduring relationships. strategies continues to increase among context of the war in Ukraine. With energy to the twin crises of biodiversity loss and both retail and professional investors. prices rising sharply, fossil fuel-based climate change, and how to advance Our aim is to create value together and Both client segments are demanding energy production expanding in several inclusive capitalism. we want every interaction to support a higher level of sustainability-driven countries and weapon-producing this goal. We elevate clients’ investing considerations within the investment companies being among the strongest During regular client meetings, experience by understanding their process and they want to better outperformers in 2022, we provided we discuss stewardship activities and individual needs, providing the right understand sustainability features. perspectives and guidance through our gain important insights into engagement solutions and always acting in their Almost every request for proposal (RFP) thought leadership communications, themes clients would like us to prioritise. best interests. Drawing on our toolkit of or fund selection due diligence process including “Sustainable Minute” videos For certain portfolios, we hold dedicated capabilities, we create solutions that help we are part of now contains multiple on social media and dedicated client ESG feedback meetings to discuss the clients achieve their investment objectives ESG-related questions aiming to assess update calls. decarbonisation pathway of the portfolio today and in the future. and the outcomes of engagement 6 Data as at 31 December 2022. 7 These figures relate to EU-domiciled funds that are classified as either Article 8 or Article 9 under SFDR. 23

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