05 Metrics and targets We aim to be as transparent as possible in our climate-related profile. This includes disclosure of our investment-related and business operations climate metrics. 1. Metrics used by the organisation to assess climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk management process At AllianzGI, we aim to avoid climate-related risks and Impact climate-related metrics which include portfolio metrics at both company and portfolio level. It includes to be aware of opportunities and have thus created absolute and relative emissions, an assessment of forward-looking GHG emissions trajectories, carbon tools that allow us to monitor various relevant metrics. companies involved in the most harmful business emissions data and a physical risk assessment. Policies have also been implemented in order to limit activities, namely coal and fossil fuels, as well as which In order to further complete our climate-related risk our exposure to companies which might face transition companies do not have formal targets in place to and opportunities assessment, we are also currently in the risks in the future. reduce their carbon emissions. process of reviewing temperature alignment solutions. In Our ESG Hub, mentioned in section 4.2., integrates We have also developed a tool detailed in section 4.1. order to limit transition risks, we have implemented a firm several Sustainability Risks and Principal Adverse which gathers various physical and transition risks wide coal exclusion policy. AllianzGI TCFD Report 2021 25

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