The crisis on our plates: finding potential in failing food systems Sustaining a food system within planetary limits Scientists in 2009 named “planetary boundaries” estimates that our food systems will have to produce 50% as the limits within which humanity can more food by 2050 but with fewer resources. 6 safely operate, develop and thrive. We have The existing food system is caught in a trap of trying to overstepped six of these nine boundaries increase agricultural productivity, while damaging soil (see glossary) yet far fewer than half of the world’s 8 billion people have access to a balanced diet. A critical question is and incurring reduced crop yields. To reverse this, we how do we feed a further 2 billion people by 2050 without must minimise harm from food production, while placing additional pressure on climate and planetary accelerating practices that actively restore habitat, boundaries? The challenge is immense: the Food and protect diversity and lower emissions. This is the concept Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations of regenerative agriculture. Exhibit 2: feeding the world is taking a toll on the planet The global food system is responsible for Livestock emissions (from one-third Around 80% manure and gastroenteric of human-caused of soy is used to feed releases) account for roughly 2 greenhouse gas emissions animals which is the 32% leading cause of Agriculture accounts for 3 of human-caused global deforestation methane emissions1 70% of freshwater use worldwide, three times 4 as much as 50 years ago 60% Agriculture of global biodiversity is threatening loss could be attributed 3 Producing a kilogram of beef 86% to the food we eat takes an average of of at-risk species6 15,415 litres of water versus 4,300 litres 5 for chicken meat Sources: 1.; 2. FAO; 3. WWF; 4. OECD; 5. WEF; 6. New Chatham House report, supported by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) 6Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, 2009 3