01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 02.3 Sustainability methodologies and analytics Principle 4 New engagement module Exclusions and regulatory analytics with these EU guidelines – from their policy module to provide comprehensive We continued to enhance and develop under the spotlight investment universe, but also to consider transparency for our investment experts SusIE, adding two new modules: an SusIE supports the analysis and any breach of governance principles and/ on companies that do not comply with engagement module to promote and implementation of EU taxonomy and EU or harming risks. international standards, international strengthen our stewardship activities and sustainable investment shares. It allows Negative screening is commonly used regulations, clients’ guidelines and/or a document library, which is a central hub our portfolio managers to select the best- for ESG integration by clients, and we AllianzGI sustainable convictions. for sustainability-related documents such performing companies – in accordance have designed a dedicated exclusion as research publications, methodologies Centralised access to engagement information via SusIE and policies. Leveraging SusIE’s new engagement module allows stewardship analysts, Stewardship analysts Equity analysts portfolio managers and investment analysts from each asset class to centralise the recording of sustainability engagement information and stewardship activities. Information, such as general context, corporate executives contacted, topics discussed with the companies and documents related to the engagement, is all made available for each engagement discussion. The ability to link di昀昀erent engagements and follow-up discussions allows better tracking. In addition, SusIE o昀昀ers internal report functionality for our portfolio managers, displaying metrics related to engaged investee companies and enabling users to 昀椀lter between themes discussed and dates. Portfolio managers Fixed Income analysts Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 27