01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 02.3 Sustainability methodologies and analytics Principle 4 5 8 Reinforcing our focus on the application to ensure we advertise our products 02.3.3 SusIE empowering SusIE is also the main portal for accessing of high-quality, actionable ESG data, Matt responsibly and in line with regulation. analytics proprietary sustainability scores with Christensen became a board member of the Net-zero focus Introduced in 2022, SusIE is a key transparent and granular indicators. GRESB Foundation in 2023. The foundation The topic of climate provides another enabler of active investment decisions In 2023, SusIE will also distribute in-house is an independent, not-for-pro昀椀t concrete example where we see a growing on sustainability across asset classes, research – thematic, sector and company organisation that sets global standards demand for risk management approaches feeding front o昀케ce tools and interfaces research – from our sustainability research for assessing the ESG performance of real targeting decarbonisation or net-zero with consistent ESG data. Today, SusIE is and stewardship analysts. External and estate, infrastructure and other assets. aligned strategies. As such, one of our the global sustainability tool for AllianzGI, internal insights contribute to the real key developments was to successfully used by investment experts, product integration of sustainability in our active 02.3.2 Value added through roll out an innovative net-zero alignment investment decisions. sustainable methodologies specialists, risk management and other share methodology aimed at increasing stakeholders. This contributes to our Regulatory needs investments in companies that are already market di昀昀erentiation on how we tackle Regulation continues to evolve and has net-zero aligned or aligning towards a net- sustainability, leveraging our expertise been a key driver of our sustainability risk zero pathway. This methodology, based via a powerful proprietary engine that management. During the last year, we have on the net-zero Investment Framework delivers added value for our clients. created additional KPIs for pre- and post- from the Institutional Investors Group on Wide range of external ESG datasets trade checks, but with a standardised Climate Change (IIGCC), is also leveraging complemented by in-house research and automated approach. This means we recognised and accepted standards. Our multi-provider-based strategy for ESG can meet the client and market demands Supporting sustainability disclosures data ensures that we bene昀椀t from a broad for accurate and consistent proof points, This was the 昀椀rst year in which we disclosed spectrum of data inputs. SusIE processes, coupled with the respective methodology an SFDR Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) computes and transforms data from supporting them. We supported clients in 29 understanding the EU taxonomy sustainable statement. While challenging to achieve, more than 10 third-party vendors into investment share requirement and ESG risk this marked an important transparency standardised datasets using cloud data monitoring in Asia. milestone, given its focus on our evaluation storage. This includes automated checks of the PAIs of our investment decisions on of pre- and post-data processing to ensure We review methodologies at least annually sustainability factors. In 2024, we will focus high-quality standards and data integrity and, as more information is disclosed, we on aligning with the coming Corporate across the value chain. are strengthening our ability to precisely Sustainability Reporting Directive, as classify what is, or is not, a sustainable well as with market practices that are still activity, as determined by the EU taxonomy, evolving for a number of the PAIs. 29 Allianz Global Investors Principal Adverse Impact Statement, 2023. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 26