01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 03.6 Industry engagement and commitments Principle 4 7 10 Recent years have seen a continued EU Platform on Sustainable Finance Industry consultations and other Taskforce on Nature-related increase in both sustainable 昀椀nance Together with Allianz, we are a member of policy engagement activities Financial Disclosures (TNFD) regulation and the number of industry- the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance, We engaged with national and In 2023, we took several steps to reinforce wide sustainability initiatives. an advisory body to the European international regulators, policy-makers our commitment to protecting biodiversity. This further underlines the recognition Commission since 2021. The platform and politicians on topics ranging from In May, we became a member of the that market and systemic sustainability assists the Commission in developing stewardship and net-zero commitments TNFD Forum, re昀氀ecting our conviction risks need to be addressed. We support its sustainable 昀椀nance policies, notably to regulatory framework consistency, that it can become a central framework for this development, working to proactively the development of the EU Taxonomy implementation timelines and ESG ratings. biodiversity. As part of our membership, shape industry initiatives and sustainability Framework. We particularly contribute Through these engagements, it is our we collaborate with other TNFD members standards. Our advisory roles in relation to the work of the new Subgroup 1 on aim to promote continued improvement to support systemic progress on planetary to sustainable 昀椀nance regulation usability and data, which advises the EU of the functioning of 昀椀nancial markets, boundaries and biodiversity concerns – for exemplify our commitment. We have Commission on (i) the usability of the EU with a special attention to sustainability. example, by shaping new developments embraced new industry initiatives that Taxonomy, (ii) the usability of the wider For example, we are active in the Eurosif around nature-related 昀椀nancial are critical to our endeavours while sustainable 昀椀nance framework and (iii) SFDR Advisory Group. One major disclosures and impact measurement. discontinuing our involvement in others, data science. outcome of this group was the response GFANZ Asia Paci昀椀c Network thereby sharpening our focus on the most We are part of the 昀椀rst subgroup, which to the European Commission’s SFDR L1 To further strengthen our aspiration impactful sustainability e昀昀orts within provided the Commission with a report consultation. The chair of our internal to shape sustainability in Asia Paci昀椀c, our industry. on a compendium of market practices Sustainability Governance Committee AllianzGI joined the GFANZ Asia Paci昀椀c in 2023. Leading the group for input also chairs the Sustainable Finance Network in 2023, which supports the from investors, we also coordinated the Committee of the German Investment expansion of net-zero 昀椀nance in Asia- response to the European Supervisory Fund Association BVI. Through our Paci昀椀c and helps to accelerate the Authorities’ consultation on a review of membership of the Asia Investor Group on region’s transition to a net-zero economy. SFDR’s technical standards, as well as the Climate Change (AIGCC), we collaborated The initiative enables us to keep pace EU Commission’s review on the general on a consultation on the Monetary with market developments around the SFDR framework and its implications Authority of Singapore’s Guidelines on transition of the economy in the region. for and interactions with the broader Transition Planning. These guidelines Given the region’s signi昀椀cant economic Sustainable Finance Framework. are designed to establish clear growth, energy consumption and carbon The current platform’s mandate runs expectations for 昀椀nancial institutions, emissions, the Asia Paci昀椀c Network plays a until Q4 2024. ensuring they develop robust transition crucial role in addressing climate change. planning processes. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 59

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