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01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 03.5 Collaborative engagements Principle 7 10 IIGCC Net Zero Engagement Initiative (NZEI) Legal framework and policy We joined the IIGCC NZEI to broaden engagement in Germany our reach with respect to our climate In our home market of Germany, engagement activities. The NZEI initiative collaborative engagement is still in extends the scope of engagement targets an emerging state due to a regulatory beyond Climate Action 100+ companies. environment that is not clearly de昀椀ned We supported around 60 letters sent in relation to the implications of jointly with other investors to our portfolio “acting in concert”. This means there companies. In addition, we participated is a certain degree of uncertainty in three engagement groups with other among asset managers and owners investors to challenge companies on their as to the conditions under which they progress towards net-zero targets. may cooperate in engagements. Full list of collaborative engagement We continued policy work to seek initiatives in which AllianzGI is active: clarity on this topic in 2023 via the • 30% Club France Investor Group Ministry of Finance’s Working Group on Sustainable Finance. • 30% Club Germany Investor Group • AIGCC • Climate Action 100+ • Ceres Food Emissions 50 • Emerging Markets Investors Alliance • FAIRR • IIGCC • The Investor Forum • Nature Action 100 • PRI Advance coalition on human rights Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 58

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