01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 03.5 Collaborative engagements Principle 7 10 Collaborative engagement with other 30% Club Germany Investor Group The 30% Club France Investor Group Nature Action 100 investors increases our impact when We stepped up our engagement activities We continued our work on the 30% Club Launched in September 2023, Nature shaping pathways to a more sustainable on gender diversity. Part of this was France Investor Group as co-chair. In this Action 100 (NA100) is a global investor future. In some cases, it is the most our co-founding in October 2023 of capacity, we engaged with the human engagement initiative that drives e昀昀ective way for AllianzGI to achieve the 30% Club Germany Investor Group, resources o昀케cer of a materials company, corporate action to reverse nature loss engagement objectives for our clients. together with 昀椀ve other asset managers. who is also a member of the executive in line with the UN Global Biodiversity It allows us to reach a larger set of our The Group aims to increase gender committee, to understand whether the Framework. We joined NA100 as a portfolio companies by joining forces with diversity on management boards and company’s gender diversity strategy will founding participant and use it to other investors, and is also important among senior executives, as well as ensure equal career pathways for men enlarge our biodiversity engagement where we have major concerns, but only improve the pipeline of female talent. and women. In a sector where women outreach and collaborate with our peers small holdings in investee companies. We consider this an important initiative form just 23% of the workforce, we learned to advance biodiversity-related practices While we still led the majority of our for our home market, as German that the company has embedded gender and reporting with investee companies. engagements ourselves in 2023, we companies signi昀椀cantly lag their wider diversity in its strategy, and that the We have signed engagement letters for signi昀椀cantly expanded our collaborative European peers when it comes to female concept is both embraced by leadership 93 companies, re昀氀ecting our equity and engagement activities during the year representation at executive level. We are and “lived” by the workforce. 昀椀xed income holdings across the 100 and led or participated in 22 collaborative co-chairing the initiative in its 昀椀rst year. We welcome the fact that the company target companies. We are part of the engagement meetings. We increased As a 昀椀rst step, the Group sent letters to all supports female managers as potential engagement teams for three companies our memberships in various initiatives to DAX 40 and MDAX40 companies to raise candidates to join the boards of that will be engaged with in 2024. increase our impact in line with our pivotal awareness of the engagement agenda. subsidiaries and builds a pipeline of As with Climate Action 100+, NA100 sustainability themes. This involved co- Engagement meetings will be scheduled female executives. We will continue plans to publish a benchmark analysis founding and joining new engagement in 2024. engaging with the company to monitor of target companies. We have provided initiatives, intensifying our work in others progress and compliance with the feedback on the consultation for the and forming ad-hoc coalitions, as needed. Rixain Law, which sets quotas for female NA100 benchmarking methodology Some initiatives that we co-founded or representation in leadership positions based on insights from our own research expanded are as follows: at large corporations. This remains a and engagements. challenge given the current composition of the company’s workforce. 40 The DAX 40 is a stock market index consisting of the 40 major German blue chip companies trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. MDAX includes the 50 Prime Standard shares that rank in size immediately below the companies included in the DAX index. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 57

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