01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 04.2 Creating an inclusive and supportive workplace We foster a working environment where In 2023, we advanced our DEI work by with their employer, combined with the • AllianzGI has been a member of people, performance and clients matter. connecting it to our overall corporate regulatory limitation in several of our Allianz’s Global Inclusion Council (GIC) We take a strong stance on diversity, citizenship strategy, speci昀椀cally by locations related to collecting diversity since its inception in 2007, with Tim equity and inclusion (DEI) and contribute working with our corporate citizenship data. To address this issue, in 2024 we Friederich, Head of risklab, representing to awareness and commitments to DEI colleagues to create Local Engagement will start collecting demographic data AllianzGI. The GIC has been responsible across our industry and wider society. Groups (LEGs), see page 91. anonymously in the UK, where regulation for progressing DEI initiatives across the We focus on maintaining a diverse Addressing female talent in allows it, and explore how we can best Allianz Group, as well as integrating workforce and an inclusive workplace. asset management leverage diversity data for the bene昀椀t DEI into the business and monitoring The health and wellbeing of employees A key challenge we continue to face is of minority groups. We will also work to progress. It comprises more than 20 are important to us. We support employees the long-term issue of a short supply of strengthen a culture that encourages Allianz senior management members to develop skills and knowledge that female talent in our industry. We address employees to feel safe to share from various operating entities, and help shape sustainable pathways and this in di昀昀erent ways, from actively personal information. leads from our five global DEI Employee allow them to be resilient and prepared sourcing female talent to ensuring Our DEI strategy Networks, as well as Allianz Group for change. female representation in our succession DEI is a company-wide responsibility, and Centre representatives. 04.2.1 Living DEI planning and supporting female talent every employee has a role in creating • Local Engagement Groups (LEGs) development. The latest example was an inclusive culture and supporting our These employee groups activate Our work on DEI helps us to build a strong the nomination of female talent in 2023 commitment to DEI. The DEI governance engaging activities that contribute culture and to attract, develop and retain to attend the Diversity Project’s Pathway structure is as follows: to a sense of belonging and inclusive a wide variety of talent and an engaged programme through 2024. Pathway, work environments. There are currently workforce. It helps us avoid groupthink a bespoke programme developed by • The Executive Committee is responsible 11 active groups across our office and make better business decisions. the industry for the industry, focuses on for overseeing all DEI activity at locations, with some of these groups Fostering an inclusive and diverse developing female portfolio managers. AllianzGI, while our Head of Culture bringing colleagues together to clean workplace is not only the right thing to and Engagement leads on the up parks or neighbourhoods to support do: it is also part of our responsibility as Solving diversity data implementation of our DEI strategy. World Cleanup Day in September 2023. a corporate citizen and embodies our challenges globally Our senior managers are accountable corporate values of integrity and respect. Another challenge we experience when for DEI within their functions, and this By leveraging our responsible investor working towards increased diversity commitment is embedded within their values, we have the power to encourage across various demographics (eg, sexual performance goals, with progress and directly in昀氀uence greater levels of orientation, ethnicity or disabilities) is regularly tracked. DEI activity within the asset management the reluctance of employees in most sector and wider society. labour markets to share this information Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 76