01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 01.3 What sustainability means to us Principle 1 2 The Board of Management at Allianz SE Some AllianzGI functions are also • Sustainability Research and • Sustainability Methodologies & is ultimately responsible for all matters embedding sustainability considerations Stewardship – responsible for providing Analytics – uses ESG data and relating to sustainability and is supported into team and individual goals. For instance, thematic, sector and issuer research, advanced technology to develop by the Group Sustainability Board. the investment platform has implemented as well as driving our active stewardship sustainable investing methodologies Allianz also has a Global Sustainability goals that speci昀椀cally re昀氀ect the way approach and proxy voting across and solutions. function that supports the Sustainability 4 asset classes. sustainability is integrated into each fund 3. Sustainable Investment Advisory – Board in integrating sustainability into the and focus areas of each team. • Impact Investing and Private Markets risklab. This capability provides our clients business. The Sustainability Committee Sustainability resources Impact teams – manage private equity with specialist advice and solutions aimed was created within the Supervisory at AllianzGI and private debt impact offerings and at helping them meet the sustainable Board of Allianz SE to drive sustainability We have more than 45 dedicated blended finance vehicles, and oversee a goals that exist within their overall strategy integration and implementation. sustainability experts across Europe market-leading impact framework that investment strategies. Linking sustainability and Asia, with an average of 12 years’ aims to ensure credible impact delivery with remuneration experience. They drive our approach to in private markets. AllianzGI’s International Management sustainability and help us shape sustainable 2. Sustainability Standards and Group – comprising senior functional pathways for clients. Clearly established Analytics. Part of the Governance & heads from across the 昀椀rm – has lines of responsibility for sustainability Business Analytics function, and reinforces sustainability embedded within its goals within AllianzGI enable e昀昀ective oversight our governance in relation to regulatory through company-wide global solidarity and accountability. and reputational risk and strengthens the 3 segregation of duty, comprising: goals. A speci昀椀c sustainability goal 1. Sustainable and Impact Investing introduced in 2021 targets sustainability team. Part of our investment platform, • Sustainability Standards & Integration achievement, which is measured by the comprising the following teams: – ensures consistent and appropriate delivery of above-median signatory • Sustainability Strategists – participate processes across the firm to meet good scoring for Principles for Responsible in sustainable product strategy, design governance and sustainable finance Investment (PRI) results. Achievement of custom sustainable investing solutions regulation requirements. the global solidarity goals in昀氀uences the for clients, and gather insight on the 昀椀rm-wide remuneration pool. latest sustainability-focused industry and market trends. 3 Solidarity goals are corporate goals speci昀椀c to AllianzGI that include, for example, 昀椀nancial targets, client service metrics and employee engagement targets. 4 For the avoidance of doubt, whenever using the term sustainable product/fund in this publication, AllianzGI refers to a product or fund classi昀椀ed as Article 8 or 9 under the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation as a minimum criterion. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 07