01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 01.5 Our ambition for 2024 Principle 4 6 Overall, we believe our approach to ESG Our track record in sustainable investing is a reminder for clients of the original and the breadth of our resources allows Example 2: purpose of ESG, which is to better assess us to share knowledge and best practices risk materiality across multiple dimensions. with our clients to support them in setting For a German corporate client, we Sustainable investing Data is key, and we are excited about the their sustainability objectives and 昀椀nding assessed the impact of the application has multiple facets. future for new data capture techniques, the most appropriate investment solutions. of a relative carbon intensity approach Our role is to help clients including arti昀椀cial intelligence (AI) This typically means analysing the on its mandate. Following the and machine learning, and the potential sustainability features of their current assessment, the client decided to apply navigate the shifts in for more forward-looking data. portfolios, assessing the impact of the envisaged carbon intensity approach, regulation and other Prioritising innovative di昀昀erent sustainable investing approaches which will lead to a reduced carbon emerging developments, investment solutions and and helping clients to formulate their intensity footprint of the mandate in the client advisory sustainability objectives, with the goal medium term. while offering a range Guiding clients through a rapidly of supporting the implementation of pragmatic and evolving regulatory environment and further enhancement of their AllianzGI’s risklab advisory team is differentiating solutions Our goal is to help clients implement chosen approach. a core part of our overall o昀昀ering to suited to their situation investment solutions that 昀椀t their own institutional investors. With 60 advisers and ambitions.” values framework while adhering to the Example 1: globally, risklab helps our clients meet highest quality standards. This is part of their investment goals through specialist Edouard Jozan our 昀椀duciary duty. We recently supported a French advice and solutions. In 2023, we Head of Distribution Institutional clients have seen rising insurance company in assessing continued to enhance our sustainability- Europe regulatory pressure around the disclosure the climate pro昀椀le and biodiversity speci昀椀c capabilities within risklab, most of sustainable investment activities, footprint of its portfolio. We assisted this notably through new advances in portfolio particularly in the EU. There is also a bigger institutional client in re昀椀ning its exclusion simulation that allow us to quantify the drive to align investment activities with policy and have initiated discussions risks of climate change at a portfolio level speci昀椀c values and long-term sustainability on the incorporation of climate-related See page 19. convictions. Consequently, our clients are forward-looking requirements. looking for a strong partner in capturing opportunities, such as aligning with carbon reduction commitments in anticipation of changing regulatory norms or assessing which activities they may wish to 昀椀nance or divest. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 16

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