01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 02.1 Delivering change SARAH modules purposes, we produce monthly reports Two new modules have further enhanced that contain an overview of engagement the capability of SARAH, our Sustainability activities at the portfolio level. Analytics Research and Advisory Hub. These reports include a breakdown by These include implied temperature rise as engagement topic, region and sectors. an analytical and simulation capability, We publish our global proxy voting as well as climate value at risk (CVaR) statistics, including an insightful that can quantify the impact of di昀昀erent assessment of voting trends, on our NGFS climate scenarios on the portfolio website annually. We also provided in terms of physical risk, policy risk and clients with insight on our voting policy, technology opportunities. voting processes and decisions, as well 02.1.2 Supporting clients as an outlook on the upcoming annual general meeting (AGM). During these Every year, our engagement activities conversations, we collected feedback on are further embedded within AllianzGI where our processes and transparency through stronger collaboration between could be enhanced. Feedback was used to dedicated stewardship and investment inform our proxy voting policy review. professionals. During regular client For several consecutive years, AllianzGI meetings, we discuss stewardship has been recognised for its excellent activities and gain important insight service quality in institutional investment into the engagement themes clients management by Coalition Greenwich. would like us to prioritise. For certain We repeated this achievement in portfolios, we hold dedicated feedback 2023, when we were named as Quality meetings to discuss the decarbonisation Leader in both Continental Europe and pathway of the portfolio and the Germany, showcasing our institutional outcomes of engagement and voting. clients’ satisfaction with our service The climate strategies of companies are quality. This includes our relationship a particular focus of these meetings, management capabilities, ability to as well as deep-dive conversations on understand clients’ goals and investment our approach to biodiversity or human and risk management skills, as well as our rights. For transparency and information credibility and the quality of our reporting. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 21