01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 02.2 Sustainability research Principle 7 Sustainability research is a cornerstone In 2023, we published 10 in-depth of our active investment approach. research papers, a selection of which The team conducts proprietary is below: research to monitor ongoing and identify Renewable energy: the 2050 remix emerging sustainability issues, and translates 昀椀ndings into investor-relevant Deforestation: getting to the root of insights to share with our investment the problem professionals. The Sustainability Liquid capital: how investors should Research team looks at three tackle the water crisis interconnecting perspectives – thematic, sector and issuer research – all with a Power of 3: why Scope 3 joined-up approach. emissions matter 02.2.1 Thematic research Human rights – the weakest link in Thematic research is organised across supply chains? (in collaboration with our three pivotal themes: climate the Stewardship team) change, planetary boundaries and We extended our knowledge-sharing inclusive capitalism. channels through the new AllianzGI This research informs our experts’ blog: Sustainability Now. This new consideration of investments in channel allows for more timely insights these themes by providing a clear into evolving developments on single understanding of underlying sustainability strategic themes or across themes with topics. The Research team shares insights close interdependence. Examples of internally and externally through papers blog posts include: and publications. Biodiversity: essential to people and planet Health is wealth? Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 22