01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 01.1 Introducing Allianz Global Investors Principle 1 6 Allianz Global Investors (AllianzGI) is of assets for institutions and individuals with advisory services delivered by our Our shift towards demonstrating tangible an active investment management 昀椀rm across the globe. specialist risklab team. This diversi昀椀ed change and real-world impact is at the and part of Allianz Group. We seek to AllianzGI o昀昀ers a diversi昀椀ed range of o昀昀ering enables us to help clients align core of how we generate value for clients, elevate the investment experience while active investment strategies across four their sustainability values with their which is re昀氀ected in our 2023 reporting. protecting and enhancing our clients’ main pillars – Equities, Fixed Income, investment objectives. This journey echoes the purpose of our assets over the long term. Multi Asset and Private Markets – in Providing value for clients means securing parent company Allianz Group, “We secure We have more than 600 investment Europe, Asia Paci昀椀c and the Americas. and protecting their long-term wealth. your future”, which prioritises tackling professionals and 500 relationship With this footprint, we combine expertise Hence we seek to identify long-term climate change, delivering social impact managers working across 20+ locations across public and private investments growth opportunities that align with our and ensuring sustainable growth. worldwide. We manage EUR 533 billion in developed and emerging markets vision of a sustainable future and our This Sustainability and Stewardship clients’ objectives. We are also committed Report showcases our sustainable 1 Assets under management (AUM): EUR 533 billion to customised client service and global investment and corporate sustainability By asset class By retail/institutional business and local market knowledge and insights. approach and capabilities. It is also We began our sustainable investing intended to renew our admission to the journey 25 years ago and published our UK Stewardship Code, one of the most 17% 昀椀rst Responsible Investing Report in 2018. important external accreditations of our During this period, sustainability has stewardship activities. 32% 31% become an integral part of the AllianzGI Find out more investment philosophy. In addition to Read more about our approach to covering our investment activities and sustainability and explore our latest 23% 69% commitment to active stewardship with research on our website, where you our stakeholders, our sustainability will 昀椀nd key policy documents and reporting incorporates a focus on reports, including our latest Task 28% corporate sustainability. We highlight our Force on Climate-related Financial work to embed environmental, social and Disclosures (TCFD) Report. governance (ESG) practices in AllianzGI’s Fixed Income EUR 70 bn Institutional EUR  bn business operations and how we engage For information on Allianz’s Multi Asset EUR 49 bn Retail EUR  bn with our communities and society. sustainability commitments and Equities EUR 25 bn performance, please refer to the Allianz Private Markets EUR 90 bn Group Sustainability Report 2023. 1 Data as at 31 December 2023. Total assets under management are assets or securities portfolios, valued at current market value, for which Allianz Asset Management companies are responsible vis-à-vis clients for providing discretionary investment management decisions and portfolio management, either directly or via a sub-advisor. This excludes assets for which Allianz Asset Management companies are primarily responsible for administrative services only. Assets under management are managed on behalf of third parties as well as on behalf of the Allianz Group. Any di昀昀erences in totals are due to rounding. Diversi昀椀cation does not guarantee a pro昀椀t or protect against losses. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 03

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