01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 01.2 About this report Principle 1 5 Our Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 comprises four sections, plus appendices, Report scope and boundaries A dedicated Sustainability Governance which re昀氀ect our commitment to sustainable investing, active stewardship and The contents of this report relate to Committee is responsible for overseeing corporate sustainability. all AllianzGI activities and locations. processes, products and methodology. All measures, activities and 昀椀gures The committee ensures processes are Find out how our journey from ESG to sustainability refer to the 2023 昀椀scal year (1 January e昀케cient, consistent and enforced by the Our vision of to impact evolved in 2023 with a focus on delivering 2023 to 31 December 2023) unless our Executive Committee (ExCo) when it sustainability real change. otherwise stated. comes to sustainable activities. (page 02) Robust review and assurance AllianzGI’s ExCo reviewed this Read about how our investment o昀昀ering and active The credibility of our sustainable Sustainability and Stewardship Report Sustainable approach has delivered change across public and approach, as re昀氀ected in our internal 2023. In doing so, the ExCo considers the investing private markets. processes and external reporting, report to provide a fair and balanced view (page 18) is crucial to ensure trust in our company. of our approach to sustainable investing AllianzGI reviews its sustainable policies and stewardship activities, as well as Understand our guiding themes – climate change, at least annually or more frequently if corporate sustainability initiatives. Active planetary boundaries and inclusive capitalism – our priority material changes to the regulatory or Corporate Sustainability Reporting stewardship topics for 2023, and our approach to active ownership. market environment occur that may Directive (CSRD) alignment (page 39) require adjustments in the jurisdictions Our parent company, Allianz Group, Strengthening Learn how we are increasing our e昀昀orts to bene昀椀t in which we operate. As a result of will be required to comply with CSRD sustainability in our employees, communities and the environment, and how this process, in 2023 we developed a regulations by the 昀椀nancial year 2024. operations (page 74) we manage risk and ensure compliance across our business. new biodiversity policy and further As an Allianz entity, AllianzGI has strengthened our proxy voting policy, begun collecting and reporting data including additional sustainability aspects. for the 昀椀nancial year 2023 to Allianz UK Stewardship Code indexing in line with European Sustainability Throughout the report, we mark content that speci昀椀cally Principle 1 Reporting Standards requirements for addresses the Principles of the UK Stewardship Code. selected indicators. A full index is included on pages 95–96. Principles 2 3 Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 04