01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 01.3 What sustainability means to us Principle 1 5 01.3.1 Sustainability across our business Today, when the only constant is change, 1. Generate strong investment returns 2. Sustainable product growth and 3. Foster a ful昀椀lling work our ambition is to consistently deliver while meeting sustainable objectives best-in-class business conduct environment for our employees tangible sustainable outcomes for our clients and other stakeholders. Together with our clients, employees and We have focused on the development of We motivate our people by fostering To drive sustainable growth through other stakeholders, we aim to drive lasting sustainable investment products across a merit-based, values-driven and investing, we believe it is essential change by using our expertise, in昀氀uence all asset classes that we believe can inclusive culture, while also providing that sustainability is embedded and and impact focus across the investment signi昀椀cantly drive increased revenues o昀케ce and hybrid working arrangements institutionalised within AllianzGI. value chain. In doing so, our active and net cash 昀氀ows into the future, in line with the right technology and support. Our success, as both an active investor strategies enable us to approach this goal with our long-term investment outlook. We are striving to enhance the workplace and a responsible business, depends on with a long-term perspective and align Our company values – excellence, experience for our employees in all it. We therefore focus on three dimensions with our clients’ time horizons and market- integrity, respect and passion – describe locations, focusing on shared o昀케ce of sustainability: shaping trends. how we aim to conduct our business. space – where appropriate – and 昀氀exible They underpin our ambition to be workstations to enhance collaboration. sustainable across all of our activities Our most recent annual employee and in our stewardship approach. As an satisfaction survey saw engagement at its example of improved business conduct highest level for eight years. Serving our and reinforced governance, we conducted clients well and motivating our employees an in-depth review of our marketing to excel will position AllianzGI to grow materials to increase transparency and sustainably and deliver strong results over consumer protection for the bene昀椀t of the long term. our clients, in line with regulation, such as the UK Financial Conduct Authority’s Consumer Duty. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 05