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01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 05.3 Sustainability initiatives overview Initiative Allianz Global Description Date Topics Region/Country Investors‘ Position of Scope Bundesverband Member BVI is the German Investment Funds Association. 2011 – ESG Germany Investment und Asset present Management – BVI Member Committee The committee deals with strategic and technical issues related to sustainable 2020 (since Sustainability investing, including corporate governance. It accompanies regulatory and political inception) – initiatives in the 昀椀eld of sustainable 昀椀nance, especially at the European level, and present evaluates their practical e昀昀ects. Member Working Group The working group prepares the association's positions on responsible investing. 2011 – Responsible Investing present Member Working Group The working group prepares the association's positions on current legislative projects 2015 – Corporate Governance relating to corporate governance at national and European level and develops the BVI present analysis guidelines for general meetings. Member Working Group The working group prepares the association's positions on sustainability risks in the risk 2020 – ESG Risk Management management processes of fund portfolios and at management company level. present Carbon Disclosure Investor Member International non-pro昀椀t organisation that promotes carbon reporting by requesting 2015 – Climate Global Project information from leading companies about their GHG emissions and other present environmental impacts. Climate Bonds Partner International investor-focused not-for-pro昀椀t. It is the only organisation in the 2015 – Climate Global Initiative world working solely on mobilising the USD 100 trillion bond market for climate present change solutions. Climate Finance Founding Member CFLI aims to unlock climate 昀椀nance in emerging markets, thereby mobilising private 2019 – Climate Emerging Leadership Initiative capital to help 昀椀nance the transition towards a more sustainable tomorrow. present Markets – CFLI Council of Member The Council of Institutional Investors is the leading corporate governance network in 2017 – Corporate US Institutional the US, advocating e昀昀ective corporate governance practices for US companies and present Governance Investors strong shareowner rights and protections. Member Corporate The Corporate Governance Advisory Council provides input to the board and sta昀昀 2022 – Governance about CII activities that promote e昀昀ective corporate governance and ways to enhance present Advisory Council the value of membership. Climate Action 100+ Participant The Climate Action 100+ is an investor-led initiative to ensure the world's largest 2017 – Climate Global corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change. present Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 104

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