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01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 04.4 Managing the environmental impact of our operations 3 Paper consumption in kilograms (kg) per employee Water consumption in cubic metre (m ) per employee 27.4 35.4 19.4 Paper 26.0 24.9 consumption target by 2025: Water 22kg per consumption 9.4 employee 3/employee 12.7 target by 2025: kg/employee m 11.4 3 7.0 22m per 6.3 employee 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 baseline baseline Target: 20% reduction by 2025 (against 2019 baseline). Target: 15% reduction by 2025 (against 2019 baseline). Actual: 77% reduction 2019–2023. Actual: 51% reduction 2019–2023. Source: Allianz Global Investors, as at 31 December 2023. Source: Allianz Global Investors, as at 31 December 2023. Our ongoing e昀昀orts include sourcing Reducing water use By the end of 2023, we achieved a 51% O昀케ce closures, o昀케ce consolidations and sustainably certi昀椀ed paper for internal Minimising water consumption is a water use reduction against the 2019 moving to more sustainable buildings and external use (2023: 68% of total paper key principle of the Allianz Group baseline (2022: 56%). also had a positive impact. However, the used; 2022: 66%) and further reducing Environmental Guidelines. Over the years, we have managed to return of o昀케ce-based working in 2023 led paper consumption. We are also using Our operations are solely o昀케ce-based. decrease water consumption through the to an increased use of water, particularly less paper as a result of digitalisation We therefore concentrate on using reduced operation of air-conditioning by canteens in Germany that operated (including subscriptions), and closing water e昀케ciently. We have committed systems, installation of water-saving at roughly twice the capacity than in corporate print centres. to reduce water use per employee in facilities and equipment in our bathrooms the prior year. To increase the accuracy AllianzGI o昀케ces by 15% by 2025 against and kitchens, and adapting cleaning of consumption data, we have installed a 2019 baseline. measures across our canteens. separate water meters in o昀케ces with shared utilities, which informs our actions and results. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 89

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