01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 04.4 Managing the environmental impact of our operations Principle 8 Waste output in kilograms (kg) per employee and canteens and an increased focus on and compliance requirements, as well donating IT and o昀케ce furniture. as our sustainability expectations. 149.0 In some locations, waste collectors The AllianzGI Global Procurement provided actual weights instead of Policy has been updated to harmonise Waste output estimates, which led to greater accuracy and align with the Allianz Group Vendor target by 2025: and therefore large variances in Code of Conduct. 89.7 128kg per reported waste outputs in comparison to We are also enhancing procurement 75.3 82.3 employee prior years. processes to ensure sustainability is 61.8 We adopted the global Allianz Group best considered throughout each phase of kg/employee practices for removing single-use plastic the procurement lifecycle. We expect our from our operations across all our o昀케ces. suppliers to embed sound sustainability In 2023, 86% of our headcount is in an practices within their organisation and to o昀케ce with a dedicated plan to sustainably promote similar practices within their own eliminate the presence of single-use supply chain. We do this by embedding 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 plastic (2022: 87%). The plan includes requirements into sourcing projects baseline reusable takeaway boxes in our canteens and when onboarding suppliers into Target: 15% reduction by 2025 (against 2019 baseline). and providing only reusable, re昀椀llable or our systems. Actual: 59% reduction 2019–2023. recyclable supplies in kitchens. We are implementing the requirements of We will continue driving the global the German Supply Chain Act. In line with Source: Allianz Global Investors, as at 31 December 2023. this regulation, we must publish a report expansion of our waste-reducing by 2025 about how AllianzGI assesses and Driving down waste our European locations. The latter initiatives and work with colleagues to We aim to minimise waste and reuse and led to the signi昀椀cant accumulation encourage waste reduction behaviours. protects human rights and environmental- recycle materials. Our operations mostly of special waste from construction, related rights within its own business area generate household-type waste, and our decluttering and discarding of items that Sustainable procurement and the greater supply chain. target is to drive down waste by 14% by cannot be reused or donated. Waste- Our commercial relationships with 2025 against a 2019 baseline. reducing initiatives included: expanding suppliers and partners around the globe centralised procurement for orders; enable us to encourage sustainable By the end of 2023, we achieved a 59% vendor management collaborations to business practices and adopt reduction per employee against the 2019 reduce packaging; takeback schemes for them ourselves. baseline (2022: 45%). IT equipment; avoidance of plastic and One role of our Procurement team is to This further reduction was achieved single-use products across all kitchens consolidate the supply base towards despite higher o昀케ce occupation and preferred suppliers that meet our business ongoing o昀케ce refurbishments across Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 90