01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 04.5 Driving our corporate citizenship Supported by our commitment to shape Local Engagement Groups Corporate volunteering In 2023, we continued to support causes a more resilient society, we work for Part of this framework involved the launch and donations that are important to our employees positive social impact and in the spirit of Local Engagement Groups (LEGs) in An encouraging outcome from the through donations, including our end-of- of the UN Sustainable Development June 2023, which support colleagues to LEGs was their impact on employee year donations, which supported over Goals (SDGs). organise activities, such as networking volunteering. In 2023, more than 1,600 30 charities. We remained focused on Our approach to corporate citizenship groups or volunteering activities, relating employee volunteering hours were helping communities where we work and Our activities prioritise SDG 8, Decent to community issues they care about. recorded, over twice the number of live, promoting 昀椀nancial literacy and Work and Economic Growth, which aims These employee-led groups work to hours in 2022. education among the future generations to “promote sustained, inclusive, and strengthen our colleagues’ sense of We have also developed new guidelines and supporting e昀昀orts to protect the sustainable economic growth, full and inclusion and belonging and support them for corporate employee volunteering environment and nature. Our donation productive employment, and decent work to create change in their communities. that we will roll out in 2024. They include to UNICEF’s Skills4Girls programme will for all.” Our actions to support SDG 8 We work across departments internally guidance for volunteering during help to empower young girls around are also closely linked with SDG 13, to coordinate volunteering activities in working hours, either as part of LEG the world with quality education and Climate Action and SDG 17, Partnerships LEGs and exchange best practices and activity or on colleagues’ own initiative. skills development. for the Goals. In line with the Allianz ideas through regular community calls. AllianzGI employees worldwide will be Group corporate citizenship strategy, These activities also act as valuable eligible for three days of volunteering future generations are a key focus of networking forums for colleagues. time each year. Alongside this initiative we our approach. Response to the LEGs has been very will launch a global online platform that New corporate citizenship framework positive, with 11 active groups across o昀昀ers volunteering opportunities to make our o昀케ce locations to date. Some of it easier for employees to 昀椀nd and sign up In 2023, we established a new framework these new groups have already brought for activities locally. for our 昀椀rst ever global corporate colleagues together – to clean up parks Our global charitable contributions citizenship programme, which will be or neighbourhoods to support World procedure has also been updated to ready to launch in 2024. It is designed Cleanup Day in September 2023. re昀氀ect donations that are aligned with to harness employees’ enthusiasm for LEG activities through 2023 engaged our social impact relating to SDGs 8, 13 corporate citizenship, accelerate it on a more than 1,200 employee participants, and 17. global platform, and clearly identify the and over 1,100 volunteering hours were social impacts to which it contributes. registered. During the year, we also The framework, which is aligned with took our 昀椀rst steps towards focusing on Allianz Group focus, will also give neurodiversity, working to raise awareness colleagues direction and support to put and reduce the barriers to discussing their ideas into practice. the topic. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 91