01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 04.5 Driving our corporate citizenship Promoting 昀椀nancial literacy 昀椀nancial literacy and employability – literacy education for young people. Supporting vulnerable communities and employability have been identi昀椀ed as global themes. In the UK, our employees partnered with We support communities where we live As an active asset manager we aim to We will encourage our local o昀케ces to St Luke’s Community Centre on several and work, especially in times of need. play our part in achieving UN SDG 8: initiate 昀椀nancial literacy projects, in initiatives to promote employability. As well as our end-of-year donations promoting 昀椀nancial literacy, education collaboration with local or global trusted They include mentoring students aged supporting food banks across the globe, in and employability. social organisations. 16-18, sharing tips in a LinkedIn workshop, 2023 our colleagues contributed their time In 2023, we con昀椀rmed six impact In Germany, we continued to support IW teaching skills on new job searches and and resources to initiatives that support objectives that guide our corporate Junior’s “Fit für die Wirtschaft”, as well as interviews and joining a “Steps to Success” disadvantaged groups. citizenship approach, and two of these – BVI’s Hoch im Kurs to provide 昀椀nancial careers event. Protecting local environments World Cleanup Day is a global movement that unites more than 200 countries and Promoting 昀椀nancial literacy is a global theme for AllianzGl, with local execution territories for a cleaner planet through local waste and litter collection e昀昀orts. In 2023, 45 colleagues from AllianzGI AllianzGI corporate citizenship strategy & impact objectives across Italy, France and Germany volunteered for 66.5 hours for the clean-up, collecting 300kg of rubbish together with other Allianz Group Globally driven 昀氀agship projects Locally led corporate Globally and locally driven operating entities. SDGs 8 & 17 focused volunteering activities charitable partner SDGs 8, 13 and 17 recommended SDGs 8, 13 and 17 prioritised Financial literacy Education Employability Climate action Environment Combatting cost of living Source: Allianz Global Investors, 2023. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 92