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01 01.3 What sustainable investing means to us Principle 1 Introduction 01.1 In conversation with Tobias Pross and Matt Christensen 01.2 About AllianzGI 01.3 What sustainable investing “ Our ambition is to help our clients be informed and position themselves for means to us 01.4 Acting on climate risks the opportunities of sustainable investing and the outcomes they seek.” and opportunities 01.5 Sustainability governance 01.6 Shaping sustainable investing with our clients We are integrating sustainability considerations want to achieve a measurable impact with their across AllianzGI’s offering and accelerating the money which we seek to demonstrate to our clients 02 growth of impact investing as part of our fast-growing with our sustainable investment strategies Sustainable investing private markets offering. We made considerable progress in 2021, developing new sustainable We also engage with the companies in which 03 investment products and innovative analytical we invest on a range of priorities – shaping their Active stewardship tools and methods to aggregate and process data low-carbon transition strategies, mitigating their from third-party providers and alternative data broader environmental impact and enhancing 04 sources, informing our proprietary sustainability governance approaches. AllianzGI as a sustainable business scoring system. To achieve all of this, we built out In our view, this kind of active stewardship is essential, 05 the resources and organisational structure of our because simply divesting from so-called “offenders” Appendix Sustainable and Impact Investing team to advance limits opportunities to drive change. Instead, we our strategy and support data, research and engage with companies to develop constructive stewardship activities. routes to a more sustainable future, recognising that Sustainability is an area filled with innovative and meaningful progress often happens incrementally progressive approaches, but it is also a complex rather than in big, transformative bounds. space where many of the solutions and proof points Climate transition pathways are works in progress, not least due to the evolving One way we are looking to drive real-world impact regulatory landscape and client demand. That is why is through our enhanced climate engagement with we focus first on being a resourceful partner that can high emitting companies highlighted by the launch provide education and thought leadership to our of our Climate Engagement with Outcome approach. clients to help them focus their efforts. We then shape This enables us to use expanding data coverage sustainable pathways for our clients by offering a to fully scope the climate profiles of the highest range of investment options and guidance in public carbon emitters in portfolios and engage more fully and increasingly in private markets with them to identify and develop climate transition New wave of sustainable growth pathways. The most important part of this approach We observe that a large number of our clients are is its real-world impact across all topics, beyond convinced of the necessity and value of investing just carbon emissions. We also gain insights into sustainably. For those ready to make the journey, climate transition efforts across regions and sectors the potential is vast. A wave of sustainable growth which allows us to identify progress of our invested is sweeping the globe, creating significant investable companies in a consistent and comparable way. opportunities. At the same time, investors increasingly Read more on page 32.

Allianz GI Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2021 - Page 10 Allianz GI Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2021 Page 9 Page 11
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