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01 05.3 Sustainability initiatives overview Key Principles 4 10 Introduction New this year 02 Sustainable investing 03 Initiative Allianz Global Description Date Topics Active stewardship Investors‘ Position – present 30% Club France Member The purpose of the Club is to co-ordinate the investment community’s approach to diversity, in 2021 Inclusion and 04 particular to explain the investment case for more diverse boards and senior management teams; Diversity (I&D) AllianzGI as a sustainable business exercise ownership rights, including voting and engagement, to effect change on company boards and within senior management teams and encourage all investors to engage on the issue of 05 diversity with chairs of boards and senior management teams. Appendix Association Française ESG, Corporate Governance AFG is the French Asset Management Industry Association. Since ESG, 05.1 UK Stewardship Code index de la Gestion inception Corporate 05.2 Engagements Financière (French Member Corporate The Corporate Governance Committee of the AFG aims to promote best governance practices on Since Governance 05.3 Sustainability Asset Management Governance Committee the French marketplace, improve practices at French issuers and discuss proxy-related issues such inception initiatives overview Association) as the role of proxy advisors, shareholder activism. 05.4 U N Sustainable Development Member Technical Committee Standing committee organises the working groups such as those focused on the SRI label, ESR 2019 Goals key Responsible Investment indicators or energy transition law and others. The committee aims to be a place for sharing information on current regulations, initiatives, promotion responsible investment. Asia Investor Group Member The Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) is an initiative to create awareness among 2018 Climate on Climate Change Asia’s asset owners and financial institutions about the risks and opportunities associated with climate change and low-carbon investing. Member Engagement and The work this group undertakes on engagement is complementary and in parallel with company 2021 Policy Working Group engagement as part of Climate Action 100+. Given the interconnected nature of company engagement and government policy in the region, combining the focus of this working group will initially enable investors to understand how their increasingly important role in policy advocacy can also help drive more ambitious corporate climate action. Member Paris Aligned The group focuses on developing investor solutions for facilitating the transition to a net-zero 2021 Investment Working Group emissions economy in Asia, and to track global progress. The group oversees AIGCC’s second annual low carbon investment survey. The group identifies and collates what institutional-grade low-carbon opportunities are available in the region and how they can be scaled up based on research. Bundesverband Member BVI is the German Investment Funds Association. 2011 ESG Investment und Asset Member Committee Sustainability The committee deals with strategic and technical issues related to sustainable investing, including 2020 Management corporate governance. It accompanies regulatory and political initiatives in the field of sustainable finance, especially at the European level, and evaluates their practical effects. It decides on the positioning of the BVI in the context of ongoing regulatory projects and develops approaches for the BVI's pro-active role in the further development of the legal framework. In addition, it discusses essential aspects of standardisation in the market for sustainable investments. Member Working Group The working group prepares the association's positions on responsible investing. 2011 Responsible Investing Member Working Group The working group prepares the association's positions on current legislative projects relating to 2015 Corporate Governance corporate governance at national and European level and develops the BVI analysis guidelines for general meetings. Member Working Group ESG The working group prepares the association's positions on sustainability risks in the risk 2020 Risk Management management processes of fund portfolios and on the management company level.

Allianz GI Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2021 - Page 84 Allianz GI Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2021 Page 83 Page 85