01 Introduction 02 Workplace 03 Workforce 04 Marketplace 05 Next steps 01.1 Our approach Diversity is the endless mix of visible and invisible traits that make each individual unique, such as gender, age, disability, What do we nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, cultural background, personality types, and family status. mean by Inclusion is the behaviour we demonstrate and the processes we use to enable everyone to give their best. Our culture of inclusion embraces and values our differences – it helps us feel diversity, free to be who we are. Equality means that everyone is treated the exact same way regardless of need. For example, it means that two groups equality, are given the exact same resources to fulfill a designated goal, regardless of whether they have the same access to equity and those resources. Equity recognises the different circumstances of individuals and allocates the resources needed to reach the exact same goal. inclusion? It means that those two groups are given the resources they need to fulfill the designated goal. Allianz Global Investors Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Report 2022 05