Active stewardship 05 How do you embed active stewardship in your approach? As an active investment manager, we see constructive engagement dialogue with investee companies as essential for creating sustainable pathways towards change. Our global approach to active stewardship In 2022, we continued to refine a thematic incorporates a detailed proxy voting policy to and collaborative engagement approach support our goal of voting at the shareholder aligned to our three focus areas (see page 4) meetings of all the companies in which we plus governance. We targeted additional invest, where we have the authority to high-emitting sectors to expand our exercise voting rights. climate engagement. Substantial expansion of our stewardship activities in 2022 Engagements 299 438 Companies engaged 238 355 Stewardship outcomes5 28 38 Company dialogue on We engaged with sustainale inestment sharerincipal 37 derse mpacts E soereigns 30 7 engagement 355 2021 2022 companies in 2022. 5 Some engagement activities span multiple years. 6 Engagements began in 2022 per regulatory requirements. 7 Not reported in 2021.