01 04.2 Workforce Our commitment to I&D Attracting and developing a diverse workforce 02 Accelerating our business transformation Growing potential through mentoring 03 Barbara Rupf Bee Our I&D strategy and priorities The AllianzGI Opportunity Platform allows Head of EMEA, mentees to browse and identify a potential AllianzGI 04 mentor for a successful match of skill and Our progress in 2021 – Workplace knowledge. With support from Human Resources, – Workforce we have included more mentor profiles on the – Marketplace platform. Feedback has been very positive – especially in these interaction-challenged pandemic times. “Access to mentoring can be very beneficial to the growth and development of a career – irrespective of one’s role, background and aspirational goals. Mentoring others is just as beneficial as receiving mentoring, as experienced colleagues can pass on their knowledge while receiving valuable insights from their mentees to develop their own awareness of development needs. A well-matched mentor/mentee relationship raises professional and personal self-awareness and often has a positive impact on how well everyone works together. Further benefits may include expanding your professional network, improving leadership and interaction skills, and boosting confidence and fulfilment.” AllianzGI Inclusion and Diversity Report 2021 35

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