01 04.1 Workplace Our commitment to I&D A safe space to talk about ethnicity 02 Accelerating our business transformation 03 At our first meeting, I asked why each person had Our I&D strategy and priorities “We created ECAG as chosen to join the meeting. One responded, “Kids that 04 look like me do not have decision-making roles in Our progress in 2021 a forum for ethnically – Workplace asset management”. This really stuck with me. – Workforce Since the ECAG was formed, we have been – Marketplace diverse colleagues championing the various National Heritage months and their allies to and discussing how we can create a more ethnically diverse pipeline of talent entering our organisation, come together to in particular by targeting colleges and universities as part of our summer intern programme. Looking ahead, our focus will be on having more conversations to discuss and learn foster awareness and understanding, such as a panel discussion with senior colleagues from ethnic minorities about the many about their personal experiences within the workplace.” facets of ethnicity Gem Puspaharan Strategic Advisor Technology Operations and Products, and how our ethnic AllianzGI colleagues feel in the workplace. AllianzGI Inclusion and Diversity Report 2021 21

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