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01 04.1 Workplace Our commitment to I&D Building a psychologically safe workplace 02 Accelerating our business transformation Becoming LGBT+ allies 03 Our I&D strategy and priorities We partner with LGBT Great, 04 a global membership organisation Our progress in 2021 specialist in developing LGBT+ – Workplace Inclusion and Diversity within the – Workforce investment and savings industry. – Marketplace LGBT Great’s flagship Project 1000 campaign is a five-year drive to identify 1000 LGBT+ people and supportive allies working in or with the investment industry through positive action marketing campaigns “I am proud to be a Project 1000 Role Model to raise awareness and support. Current role models represent over 60 because I believe in love and equality. I want to organisations across three continents. let my colleagues and friends feel confident and We want to be a workplace where all colleagues feel welcome and, because comfortable in bringing their whole selves to work. of that, give their best. Five colleagues are I am thrilled to play a part in creating a colourful amongst the Project 1000 role models. Being a LGBT+ ally means having a genuine, and inclusive workplace environment.” strong concern for the wellbeing of LGBT+ people, supporting and advocating for LGBT+ equal rights and fair treatment. Zero Yu Co-Head of IT User Service, AllianzGI AllianzGI Inclusion and Diversity Report 2021 19

Inclusion & Diversity Report - Page 20 Inclusion & Diversity Report Page 19 Page 21