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01 04.1 Workplace Our commitment to I&D Pronouns matter: showing how small words make a big impact 02 Accelerating our business transformation 03 As a member of the LGBT+ community myself, and parent Our I&D strategy and priorities “I have personal to a non-binary young adult, embracing my child’s 04 pronouns was a big part of showing acceptance Our progress in 2021 experience with – Workplace and eventually feeling acceptance. By encouraging – Workforce colleagues to add pronouns to our email signatures, – Marketplace the importance of AllianzGI shows its support of diversity in a tangible way, pronouns to our inviting our participation. I especially appreciated the explanation around normalising the use of pronouns. That is exactly why young colleagues those of us who think our pronouns are obvious should consider specifying them in our signatures. Sensitivity of the present to such matters is uncommon in the corporate world, especially in financial services. I am proud to work and future. for a company which acknowledges its corporate responsibility and promotes allyship.” Jenni Killmer Business Analyst Sales, AllianzGI AllianzGI Inclusion and Diversity Report 2021 17

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