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01 01.4 From setting the foundations to consolidation Our commitment to I&D 02 Accelerating our business transformation 03 Embedding I&D is a long-term commitment which we began intentionally working towards in 2012. Our I&D strategy and priorities We continue to evolve our approach today – from developing our policies and ways of working to listening and 04 learning from our employees. Our progress in 2021 – Workplace – Workforce Signature of the In addition we celebrate – Marketplace United Nations the following global LGBT Standard I&D milestones to raise of Conduct for awareness on diversity, Business and help increase understanding, of Women in Launch of Rungway provide psychological safety Creation of our Finance Charter and the Random and tolerance and support First Global Global I&D Policy Implementation Coffee App amongst both majority I&D Day Setting of our 2020 of global Implementation of and minority groups and Gender Equality Financial Literacy virtual yoga and to demonstrate the firm’s 2014 ambitions programmes mindfulness sessions commitment to inclusion 2017 2019 2021 and diversity: • Black History Month • International Women’s Day 2012 2016 2018 2020 2022 • World Health Day • Cultural Diversity for Creation of the Creation of our Creation of Publication of our Dialogue regional and local Flexible Work the I&D Team first I&D guide on and Development Day I&D Working Groups Arrangements “Fostering LGBT+ • Pride Month Principles and Inclusion” Guidelines • World Mental Health Day Revamping of our I&D strategy • International Men’s Day around three key • International Day of People pillars: Workplace, with Disabilities Workforce, and Marketplace AllianzGI Inclusion and Diversity Report 2021 05

Inclusion & Diversity Report - Page 6 Inclusion & Diversity Report Page 5 Page 7