01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 02.4 Human resources The success of the #lead Allianz Leadership Passport is monitored in three ways: Business impact – measured by engagement survey progression; Behavioral change – measured via assessment tools (Allianz Multi Rater Assessment), engagement survey, and learning hours; and Satisfaction with program – based on the Net Promoter Score (NPS) and evaluation form outcomes. We see that more training hours per employee in general are linked to higher employee engagement and well- being and finally also higher customer satisfaction. In addition, the current #lead platform related NPS is 71 (2021: 74) and the average quality rating is 84 percent (2021: 84 %). Performance management and transparent feedback Our global performance management approach covers over 84,000 employees and focuses on two key areas: ’What’ (outcome-oriented performance) and ‘How’ (behavior). The rest of the eligible employees are currently covered by local solutions. In 2023, we plan to include around 18,000 additional employees into the global performance management approach. We promote a continuous performance and feedback culture that enables teams to exchange feedback on a regular basis. Three key milestones for performance management throughout the year cement this culture: Initial priority setting, mid-year check-in, and year-end review. We use Multi Rater as a tool to gather multi- dimensional feedback at executive levels and gain valuable insights into perceived strengths and development needs. 2022 was record-breaking for the use of Multi Rater with 10,303 rated employees from 55 operating entities – 40 percent more than in 2021. Key performance and development actions based on the results were discussed at the mid-year check-ins as a follow-up. For more details on learning and development, please see also our People Fact Book 2022. € 106.3 mn invested in employee development (2021: € 102.9 mn) 103 % 1 employees took part in at least one targeted training session (2021: 103 %) € 719 investment per employee in development and training (2021: € 716) 45.2 average hours of training per employee (2021: 34.7) 83,529 learning users who logged into AllianzU platform (Degreed) 22.6 learning hours per user on AllianzU platform (Degreed) 1 The percentage of employees with at least one training can be higher than 100 percent due to the reporting period calculation methodology including employee in- and outflows. Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 67

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