work requests quickly and automatically. The Allianz Cross-Border Remote Work Tool received two EMEA Expatriate Management and Mobility Awards (one for ‘Best Employee Experience and Engagement’ and one for ‘Most Innovative Use of Technology in Global Mobility’) and the HR Excellence Award for ‘Hybrid & Remote Work’. 01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change r elated disclosure 04 Strengthening our f oundation 05 Our universal principles 02.4 Human resources AES results show that flexible work has been one of the positive drivers for employee engagement in 2022. Furthermore, we have significantly reduced business travel in 2022 compared to pre-COVID times. 55 % Employee time was spent working from outside of the Allianz offices in RACo 1 entities by the end of Q3 2022 2, 3, 4 (Q4 2021: 65 %) 02.4.1 Learning and development Learning and development is a key differentiator in the financial services industry where needs are constantly changing in r esponse to the evolving external context. Our ambition is to develop skills for the long term to ensur e Allianz is prepared for emerging trends and opportunities to attract the best talent. Supporting lifelong learning Our strategy focuses on promoting lifelong learning through the global #learn initiative. We offer our employees a minimum of one hour each week dedicated to learning and employ a wide range of learning and development approaches including on-the-job learning, mentoring and coaching, classroom trainings, peer circles, and digital/ mobile learning. Digital opportunities, such as LinkedIn Learning and our AllianzU Learning Platform (Degreed), are available to all employees worldwide. We have targeted programs for key areas, such as property and casualty, life and health, IT, strategy, finance, communications, market management, and operations. Developing strong leaders #lead Ignite is our global program designed to equip the next generation of Allianz leaders with the knowledge, mindset, and skills needed to lead in Allianz’s inclusive, meritocratic environment. In 2022, the program was completed by 73 participants (2021: 99), 47 percent (2021: 47 %) of whom were women across 24 (2021: 13) operating entities. #lead Transform is a program newly intr oduced in 2022. It is created for our future and recently appointed top executives and aims to develop the leadership skills and mindsets required to lead in a global, complex, and ever- changing environment. The program is built around our core #lead mindsets: Curiosity , Resilience, ‘We-mentality’, and Flexibility. It was completed by 23 participants, 35 % of whom were women, across 17 operating entities and 11 countries. #sheleads ran for the second year in its new design in 2022. Having w on the Rise & Lead Award for Balanced Leadership, the program is recognized as setting a standar d for effective gender balance via sponsorship, peer coaching, and learning sessions with our alumni community. It enables our female leaders to make their next career move. After completion, the participants become mentors and sponsors themselves. In 2022, the program ran with 35 participants representing 23 operating entities and 20 countries. Our Allianz Leadership Passport is the ‘lic ense’ to be a people leader at Allianz. The program aims to set a minimum standard for all people leaders with an equal focus on hard and soft skills in order to ensure the balance between IQ (intelligence quotient) and EQ (emotional quotient) of our leaders. 2022 was the year of the refresh, i.e., after attaining their Leadership Passport, leaders had to complete 45 hours of learning per year to ‘refresh’ their passports. By the end of 2022, 14,997 (84 percent; (2021: 11,850; 93 %)) 5 leaders in scope have attained or refreshed their #lead Allianz Leadership Passport since the launch. This equates to 1,247,025 hours of leadership training in 2022 (including the refresh; 2021: 339,264) 6 which is an average of 83 hours per leader in scope. 1 Renewal Agenda Companies represent the largest flagship entities of Allianz Group. 2 Q3 2022 data are disclosed to be consistent with the fact that local carbon emissions are calculated on Q3 2022 data. 3 Proportion of employee time spent working outside of the Allianz offices is regularly assessed at entity level and partially estimated. 4 Versus the target of at least 40 percent. 5 The percentage of leaders who attained the #Lead Leadership Passport is lower in 2022 than in 2021 due to an increase in leaders in scope from 12,733 in 2021 to 17,833 in 2022. 6 Learning hours in 2021 also include parts of learning hours from 2020 as the launch was at the end of 2020. Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 66