01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 02.4 Human resources Besides looking at overall results, the AES has become an important source to deep dive into the needs of different employee groups based on, e.g., gender, tenure, age and talent segment clusters, thereby providing insights for focused follow up actions in order to meet group specific needs. Based on the survey result analysis and discussion, the overarching themes for creating impact on engagement in 2023 are: • Implement focused follow up actions on the most relevant engagement dimensions: Recognition & Rewards, Innovation & Change, Top Management & Strategy, and Products. • Continuously evaluate employee engagement by collecting and responding to employee feedback throughout the year within our employee listening strategy; e.g., via quarterly pulse surveys designed to provide additional insights on strategic topics and to strengthen our AES follow- up activities. • Foster co-creation and mutual exchange of best practices by integrating global and local efforts under the umbrella of our ’Engagement Matters’ Program. With our ’Engagement Matters’ Program , introduced in 2022, we connect local and global engagement opportunities under one umbrella across five pillars: 1) Health & Well-being, 2) Strategy & Top Management, 3) Jobs, Processes, Innovation & Change, 4) Learning & Development, 5) Recognition & Reward. As part of the program we launched a central engagement hub and a digital magazine which summarize opportunities and resources, such as listening sessions with board members, mindfulness moments and trainings, mental health talks and podcasts, learning and development opportunities, and benefits beyond pay. AES indices in detail Inclusive Meritocracy Index (IMIX) – measures our progress in building a culture where both people and performance matter, as we seek to enable employees to unlock their full potential. It describes a corporate culture of mutual trust and respect, empowerment, and collaboration where diversity is appreciated, and customer satisfaction is a high priority. The IMIX score comprises ten AES questions around leadership, performance, and corporate culture: 79 percent (2021: 78 %). Work Well Index (WWi+) – measures the stress level of employees for work-related strain, including the topics demands, rewards, control, support, social capital and processes, as well as tool and resource availability. A higher index score is associated with better employee health and productivity: 71 percent (2021: 69 %). Employee Engagement Index (EEI) – measures the degree of satisfaction, loyalty, advocacy, and pride of Allianz employees: 76 percent (2021: 76 %). For further details about the Allianz Engagement Survey results, please see table HR-12. Confirming Allianz’s continued focus on cr eating an engaging and healthy workplace, several operating entities worldwide have been awarded with the Great Place to Work® certification in 2022. Please see the People Fact Book 2022 for details. Ways of Working Amidst the shifts in how we work and do business – how we use technology, where and when we work, what skills we need and more – we have established across Allianz our Ways of Working (WOW). Our WOW standards are centered across five categories: 1) Flexible work and reduced travel, 2) Digital to ols, 3) Health and Well-being, 4) Learning, 5) Organization and Culture. For instance, employees across the globe have the opportunity to spend a minimum of 40 percent of working hours working at home (depending on the position, e.g., mobile worker, office worker, etc.) and – with the introduction of the Cross-Border Remote Work Global Guideline – the opportunity to work up to 25 days a year abroad in accordance with international and local regulations. In 2022, we focused especially on the implementation of a fle xible hybrid work environment. It is our conviction that hybrid is here to stay and is therefore central to the Allianz WOW. In the course of implementing hybrid w orking we, e.g., carried out test pilots and offered special learning opportunities for our employees. To enable our people to work across locations, borders, and time zones, additional tools supporting digital collaboration were added to the digital landscape in 2022. In-office meeting spaces have been equipp ed with technology to support hybrid meetings. In 2022, we also rolled- out a user-friendly and newly developed tool, enabling our employees to check compliance of their cross-border remote Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 65