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01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 05.2 How we report: transparent reporting, ratings and performance Our ambition is to increase trust and transparency in all our activities and we strive to reflect our values of integrity, competence and resilience in our sustainability reporting. We actively promote the development of global sustainability reporting standards to simplify the reporting landscape and drive transparency and comparability of corporate reporting and performance. Allianz bases its management approach and reporting on voluntary international standards and guidelines such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and recognized sustainability indices. This report complies with the latest GRI Standards from 2021. We continually monitor developments in reporting standards and regulations including initiatives by the World Economic Forum (WEF), the European Commission (EC), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). Our engagement aims to support the development of a high-quality and globally consistent reporting system that adequately meets stakeholders’ information demands in a timely manner. For example, we are a member of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) Project Task Force on European Sustainability Reporting Standards (PTF-ESRS). Allianz will be required to comply with CSRD regulations by fiscal year 2024. To achieve this, a dedicated implementation project has been set up. Details on our reporting standards, scope and materiality can be found in this section and section 05.7. Our annual U.N. Global Compact (UNGC) Communication on Progress can be found on our website and the UNGC website. Our GRI Content Index is available on our website. Data and assurance To assess the quality and reliability of our reporting, PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaf tsprüfungsgesellschaft (PwC) has conducted limited assurance reviews of our sustainability reports, processes and data since the 2016 reporting year and since 2021 reporting year for the Tax Transparency Report. PwC undertakes regular onsite reviews of a sample of oper ating entities of Allianz SE, selected based on their impact on the Group’s sustainability activities. Implementation of recommendations is monitored by the Global Sustainability and Group Accounting and Reporting functions. The Group center functions, the Group Disclosure Commit tee, and our operating entities support the Allianz SE Board of Management to ensure that the Group Management Report and Sustainability Report (which includes our non-financial statement) includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the group. The Supervisory Board also reviewed and approved both reports. Please see the 2022 Independent Practitioner’s Report on a Limited Assurance Engagement on Sustainability Information (section 05.8). 05.2.1 Reporting parameters The content of this report is focused on the key requirements of our stakeholders and sustainability rating and benchmarking providers. The primary target audience are rating providers, anal ysts, investors and NGOs. The report also contains key insights for other stakeholder groups, such as customers and employees, and makes links to other documents which disclose our approach and report on progress. Material topics and aspects Key topics included in this Sustainability Report were shaped by our 2021 materiality analysis which satisfies the GRI Principles for defining report content (accuracy, balance, clarity, comparability, completeness, sustainability context, timeliness and verifiability). For further details about our 2021 materiality assessment process and outcomes, see section 05.7. World Economic Forum Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics Since January 2021, Allianz has been one of the initial endorsing companies of the (WEF) Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics. Drawn from existing standards, the Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics are a set of metrics that can be reported on by all companies, regardless of industry or region. Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 142

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