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01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles We actively encourage our stakeholders and business partners to consider adopting the WEF metrics in their own reporting. As part of our commitment to transparent and comparable reporting, we have included an overview of our disclosures based on the Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics in this report. We have included additional indicators on pay equality, wage level and anti- corruption trainings. We do not consider some metrics to be material for us as a financial services company and explanations for these omissions are provided. Our WEF Content Index available as an appendix to this report, is accessible through our website. For further details on the Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics, please see the WEF website. Non-Financial Statement In compliance with the German implementation of the E.U. Non- Financial Reporting Directive (2014/95/ EU), we publish relevant non-financial information within our Group Annual Report. This so-called Non-Financial Statement is approved by the Supervisory Board of A llianz SE and assured with reasonable assurance by PwC. For further details please see our Group Annual Report 2022. Our reporting ecosystem We focus on reporting online, cross-linking to the sustainability section of our website, People Fact Book, Tax Transparency Report and Analyst’s Presentation and Non-Financial Supplement, which offers further extra financial information. An overview of our reporting ecosystem can be f ound on page 02. An increasing number of Allianz subsidiaries now publish their own sustainability r eports. These are available for download on local Allianz websites. Integrating non-financial reporting into financial reporting We use SAP data collection for almost all non-financial information with an interface to financial data systems for some data points. The P&C Line of Business reporting tool is used to collect Sustainable Solutions and EU Tax onomy data. The governance process for non-financial reporting is aligned with financial r eporting and follows the same review rounds as for the Annual Report engaging with the Board of Management and Super visory Board. This year, we conducted a fast-close project to harmonize reporting timelines. Scope of reporting This is our 22nd annual Sustainability Report. Our Sustainability Report 2022 relates to the entire Allianz Gr oup. Unless otherwise stated, all measures, activities and key figur es refer to the 2022 fiscal year (01 January 2022 to 31 December 2022) and we take operational control as the boundary for reporting. We are no longer underwriting new insurance business in R ussia and the Russian operations of the Allianz Group are classified as a disposal group as held for sale. For further information, please refer to the Consolidated Financial Statements, note 3, page 142 of our Group Annual Report 2022. 05.2 How we report: transparent reporting, ratings and performance Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 143

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